Back from New York

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Grace is by he locker at school and Courtney and Anthony walk over to her.
Courtney: Is Nick back yet?
Grace: yeah I don't know whether he is coming in as he got home late last night.
Anthony: what time?
Grace: I went bed at 1 in the morning and the car wasn't there so it was between 1 and 6.
After school Anthony Courtney and Grace go to Nick's
Anthony: hey.
Nick: hey
Grace hugs Nick.
Grace: so we have a project in Spanish class the 4 is are a group winners get a week in Barcelona.
Nick: that sounds romantic.
Nick wraps his arms round Grace's waist.
Nick: maybe someone can make a move hints at Anthony.
Courtney: so did you have fun in New York?
Nick: not really I wish I was here.
Anthony: what should we do Our
Project on.
Nick: why don't we sit at the dining table and discuss ideas.
They all sit down Nick puts his arm around Grace.
They all start pitching ideas.
Grace: why don't we do our project on a bunch of different places.
Nick: isn't is a project on Spain.
Grace: no it's a project on Spanish speaking countries and There's a few. Argentina Bolivia Colombia Costa Rica and plenty more.
And have a section of each country.
Courtney: I like the sound of that.
Nick: how about we get dinner and a movie?
Grace: sounds perfect.
At the bistro grace and Courtney are in the restroom.
Anthony: they have been in the restroom for like half an hour.
Nick: it's been like 5 and girls don't go to the restroom just to pee they fix there hair and everything your lucky if there half an hour. So you and Courtney?
Anthony: what about us?
Nick: she is an amazing girl and why don't you make you a move?
Anthony: I'm not as fast as you are with girls.
Nick: what's that supposed to mean?
Anthony: you was kissing Grace whilst she was my girl.
Nick: yeah sorry about that.
To be continued

Nick and Grace true love book 2Where stories live. Discover now