Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Taylor's POV

Today I was going to meet the band that Karlie and Austin had recommended. But first I needed to take care of somethings at the office. That meant an appointment with Zayn and one with Harry. I was actually excited to see Harry. I loved talking to him. He was a decent guy and he had grown on me. I wasn't to thrilled about the whole Cara thing because I knew her personally. She had been nice to me in the past but she was a known heart breaker. Plus I knew Harry deserved more, I don't know who but I know he needed someone worthy of his time.

"Zayn is here," Pam says breaking me out of my raging thoughts.

"Send him in," I sigh.

I toss my sketchbook with my designs for the fashion show aside and clear the small space on my desk so I can record my conversations with Zayn.

"Hey Taylor," He says and then plops down in the chair in front of me.

"How are you today?" I ask him.

"Fine," He replies. I could tell that he was lying.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well, Louise has a boyfriend," He responds.

"Oh Zayn, how did you find out? If you don't mind me asking," I say in a concerned tone.

"I have been talking to her lately. Sorry for cancelling our last appointment but I just got so caught up," He explains.

"That is totally fine. Just let me know what happened," I reply.

"She and I were having a conversation and I asked her if she was busy this weekend and she told me that she was working things out with her boyfriend," He says and puts his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I would keep her in the back of your mind for now. Things might not work out," I assure him.

"I will. I didn't expect to get rejected right away," He says.

"Don't worry. All that matters is you're trying. If at first you don't succeed try again," I try to be uplifting.

"I'll try. I just need some encouragement is all. Thanks," He says giving me a small smile.

"Why don't you and the boys go out for a mans night! They can be your wing men. It sounds terrible but it gives you the opportunity to mingle with women," I suggest.

"That does sound awful. But you're right. It gives me a way to go out and find a start," He says.

"Wow Zayn, this is the most positive you've been since we've began meeting. I'm so proud," I praise.

"Me too. Here's my sketch book," He tosses the book at me.

I open it to see a few more pictures of Louise. I then flip through and see drawings of what Zayn must go through daily. He has images of Liam and Harry in here almost to every exact detail.

"These are amazing as ever. We should go to an art auction or something together," I tell him.

"That would be nice. I have been drawing images from my life at the moment. I even drew a picture of myself and Rebecca," He points out.

I flip to the last page to see a nicely detailed image of him and Rebecca.

"I took it from her instagram," he mentions.

"Keep doing it. Zayn this seems to help you out a lot. We'll meet next week and your job is to go out with the boys," I remind him.

"Thank you Taylor. You've been a big help, I don't care what Harry says," He tells me.

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