Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Harry's POV

"I really didn't want to come out tonight," I mention to Liam as we sit at the bar.

"Well too bad because you're here," He reminds me.

"Yeah! How was your date with Cara?" Niall asks.

"It was really nice actually. I am going to see her again," I respond and then take a drink from my beer.

"How was this morning with Taylor?" He asks, I hoping he wouldn't.

"It was nice I guess. She and I went for ice cream and I told her that she didn't need to stress herself out," I tell him.

"Glad you could get through to here. I am suppose to go over there Monday night to help her carry her boards out to her car," He informs me.

"Where's Louis and Zayn?" Liam asks.

"I don't know. They were suppose to be here a half an hour ago. It was nice of Zayn to agree to pick Louis up from my mom's," I say.

We then have a few more light drinks and  Niall and Liam decide to go on the dance floor to pick up some chicks. I didn't think it was a good idea to mingle after a nice date with Cara. So I  sat at the  bar and waited for Louis and Zayn. When they didn't show I decided to go out to the parking lot for some fresh air.

I walk outside and take my phone out. I decide to check Facebook and Instagram. After some time passes I hear someone call my name. I look up and realize that it's Louis and Zayn parked across the street.

"About time," I huff.

"Come here," Louis giggles.

"What?" I ask.

"I said to come here you idiot," Louis repeats.

I then walk over to their car and immediately realize why they were late.

"You two have been out here getting high?" I ask as I crinkle my nose.

"Louis is the best, man," Zayn announces and they both burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my lord, did you drive like that?" I ask Zayn.

"No, we got here and Louis showed me his stuff. Then he convinced me," Zayn explains.

"yeah he told me he hasn't blazed since college," Louis adds.

"Oh you two are idiots. We've been waiting. At least do that after," I complain.

"Do it Styles, you'll loosen up," Zayn insists.

"I think you two either need to let me take you home or go into the club," I suggest.

"I need to use the restroom," Zayn says and opens the driver side of the car, I back away to give him space and avoid getting hit by the car door.

"Harry can we talk?" Louis asks as soon as Zayn walks away.

"Is he coming back?" I mumble.

"I don't know. We can go in after we have a chat," Louis says and leans back into his seat.

"What would you like to talk about?" I ask him.

"You remember when I asked you about the feelings thing?" He asks.

"Oh yeah," I reply.

"I finally think I've figured out how," He replies.

"And that would be-" I begin but he cuts me off in the most shocking way.

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