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"YOUR NOT LEAVING ME!!!YOU UNDERSTAND!!!"he screams as he flips over  another glass table. I just stand there in shock. I mean I know he had possession problems but I didn't know it was going to get this bad.

"I'm sorry just please stop!!!"I try my best to calm him down but it just gets worst it get so bad to the point where I feel a stinging sensation on my right cheek as I fall to the floor crying in disbilef on the glass that he broke penetrating my left side and then back as he turns me over roughly.

"YOUR JUST LIKE ALL THOSE OTHER FAKE BITCHS EXCEPT THIS TIME IM NOT LETTING YOU GO!!! YOU KNOW WHY BECASUSE I LOVE U!!U UNDERSTAND!!" He screams sending blow after blow to my face. I just sit there in tears get beaten by the love of my life.

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