Chapter 7 ~ Journey to the Isle

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A/N: hey everyone sorry its been a while, I've been busy with school, tests, and assignments. You know how it is, anyway lets get on with the next chapter!

Later that day
Anna's point of view

I look through the palace and find my mums old motorbike thing. I take it with me to the deck and hide it so I can come back and get it later.
Hannah insisted she comes with me, so she is. Hannah is now going to get my mums old spell book from the museum, so I can get us there and back easily.
"Anna!" I hear her call.
"Hannah, you got it?" I ask getting onto the bike putting a helmet on.
She nods.
"Yep, quickly I think someone noticed it's gone" she climbs onto the back on the bike.
I quickly do the spell so that we can go to the Isle and come back.
"Let's go" I start the bike praying it works as I drive us towards the water.

We get on the water going smoothly and we go through the barrier. We get onto the mainland on the Isle and drive through the streets. I look around thinking that this is where my mum grew up.
"I'm starving!" Hannah complained.
"Same, how about Usrula's Fish and Chips?" I ask pointing to it.
Hannah nods, "Yeah lets go" We know that on the Isle you either need to be confident or hide, so we strut confidently inside.
"Table for two" I say to the girl the front. She had tanned skin, turquoise hair and was wearing a red pirate coat.
She studies us, looking at us up and down.
"Mum!" She yells to the back. "You might want to see this!"
I kinda stand closer to Hannah a bit worried. I hand her a sword from behind my back which she puts in her belt.
"It'll be fine" She says quietly.
The girls mum comes out and when she sees me she glares.

"You!" She says.
'How does she know who I am?' That's all that was running through my mind.
Then I know who she is, Uma. My mum and dad have told me all about her.
"Why are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Uma asks.
She thinks I'm my mum! I did not see that coming.
"Yes I'm here got a problem with that" I drawled, like how my mum used to do.
Uma puts her hands on her hips smirking.
"Yeah I do. Mal"
I laugh sarcastically, smirking.
"What's so funny?" Uma snaps.
"I'm not Mal" I say slyly. I may look a lot like my mum, but I have my dads features.
"Who are you the-" Uma stops. "You're her child?" She says as if she couldn't believe it.
"Yes, I am Anna, this is Hannah" I say.
Uma's daughter whispers something in her ear. Uma nods.
"So... you're the daughter of Mal.. and King Ben?" She asks coming closer.
"Y-yes" I say, I need to stay confident. Uma's daughter whispers something else.
"Good idea Oona" Uma says. "So Anna have your parents told you the story?" She asks, as I put my hand behind my back holding onto the handel of my sword.
"Yes" I say not moving.
"And you would know that I captured your father, but your mum rescued him, and I swore i would get revenge" Uma says.
I look at Uma in the eyes.
"Yes" I say my eyes starting to glow green.
Uma comes really close to me.
"You're my revenge" she says in my face, barely a whisper. I could feel someone coming behind me with a sword. I pull out my sword and turn around blocking.. him?
When I turn around I see a kinda cute guy, with messy sandy hair piercing blue eyes, and what looks like a pirate outfit.
"Get her Hunter!" I hear Oona yell, but gets taken down by Hannah.
I am fighting with Hunter and get his sword.
"Not so good now are you?" I smirk going off when someone grabs me from behind. I saw Hannah near the door.
"Go , Hannah get help!" Yell as Hannah runs out and has hopefully gone to get help.

"What do I do with her mum?" Oona asks.
Uma thinks.
"She's too logically smart and too good with a sword, don't knock her out.. take her to the ship" Uma says as I turn to see Hunter wack me over the head with a pan.
"Oops' he says
"You weren't supposed to knock her out!" I her Oona say faintly as everything goes black......

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