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"I'm curious as to who you are.."

"Ah! All done." Sumin wiped the sweat off her forehead after dropping down the last box in her new apartment.

It was messy, extremely messy, but at this point, she couldn't care less, her back was aching after moving up so many boxes up those flight of stairs—just to clarify she lives on the 4th floor. The apartment was quite nice actually, well it was an apartment sponsored by the university she is going to attend to, that explains why she had to move all the boxes 300 miles from home. To be fully honest here, she missed her own cozy room, it was a place where she could fully relax and forget all her thoughts. A place with privacy and protection from the world.

Now in this household—apartment hold? There are of course other students living here. It is not separated by gender which means, no walking around the house half naked, which Sumin needs to constantly remind herself because she is so used to walking around her house without pants since her dad is always on a trip and the house is always full of girls. Who is her mom, and her younger sister.

"Ah! You must be the new girl!" A guy who is in a black t-shirt, tugged loosely hanging out from his blacked ripped jeans. His hair is extremely black. He shot a smile her way, one that looks cute yet somehow can kill any women.

How can someone be this good looking? She thought.

"Hey?" Sumin snapped out from her thought soon after the man in front of her started waving his hands in her face.

"Oh, um, yeah."

Shit, must've caught me staring.

His smile turned into a mischievous one. "Let me show you your room." He gestured Sumin to follow, which she sheepishly paddled down the hall behind him. He opened the door to a relatively average looking room. A desk at the corner, a clothing rack, a bookshelf, and a bed.

Sumin walked in, inhaling the unfamiliar smell which now she has to call home. Her fingers gliding across the surface of the desk. It's pretty clean. The man leaned against the door frame with an amused smile on his face "If you need anything, just tell me. Oh, and by the way, I'm Jimin." He grinned, his cheeks became even more defined.

"I'm Sumin, thanks for the help." She said before soon he closed the door.

Sumin plopped down onto the bed which She expected to be soft, or more so because her old bed was soft. She came to a realization after her head banged onto the rather firm mattress. "Shit." She groaned as She rubbed the back of her head.

Sighing, to relief the build of stress and tiredness She had to contain with for all these moving. She decided to let herself have a little break before unpacking. With that, while it's still bright outside, She closed her heavy eyelid and before She knew it, She had fallen asleep on this little-known bed and the unfamiliar surrounding.


Waking up to the sound of a soft knock upon the wooden door. Sumin sat up, rubbing her eyes as she noticed her walls are now tinted orange, the sun is setting at it's warmest today. She yawned until she heard the knock again "Coming!" She shouted before trudging her feet to the door.

"Hey, dinner is ready." Jimin stood in front, now she is fully awake with the attractive man standing tall in front of her. "Okay, I'll come right after." She answered. Jimin nodded and headed to the dining room where Sumin could catch a glimpse of another boy sitting there.

Instead of going to the kitchen she went towards the front door where all her boxes were. She somehow needs to know which box belongs in her room and which box contains the things that should be left elsewhere.

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