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"It's okay to cry..."

Sumin walked into the lounge, filled with students holding big books here and there, rushing to make their classes. This place was huge, she could see floors and floors of people as she stood there spinning around.

"Let's see... um.. class 307." Her fingers traced her schedule. "307..307..30.." she repeatedly told herself as she walk up the stairs to the third floor.

"309, 310, 311.." She counted the number on the wall. The number just kept on increasing and the time is ticking. Turning around to check if she was going the right way. The other way was just a dead end, nothing else but the stairs that leads up and down which she knew was the wrong way, so she continued forward. She can't be late for her first class. The thoughts of that made her concentrate even more, her head was turned towards to the side, counting the numbers as she goes.

"312...313-oof." She groaned. Sumin bumped into something hard, someone's back to be exact. backing off immediately and rubbed her forehead. She bowed and apologized "Ah. I'm terribly sorry." then her eyes met his. "Taehyung!" She exclaimed, finally someone who she knew, though he didn't feel as giggly.

He gave her a small smile, one that doesn't typically reach up to his eyes to turn it into a half moon shape. "Hello."

"Do you know where is room 307?" Sumin asked, staring at the boy in front of her. He looks a little bit better, more held together as one piece at the very least.

Taehyung nodded and gestured her to follow "Yeah, come with me.". His deep voice always gives her a tingly feeling. Sumin followed quietly behind him, his big steps were hard to keep up with, his legs were long, well at least longer than Sumin's. It was enough for her to pick up her pace to try and catch up. Taehyung chuckled softly, seeing the girl beside him struggle to keep up, he didn't slow down though, it was entertaining to watch her even from the corner of his eyes.

They walked down the hall and came to a stop in front of a door with the sign that says '307' on it. Just when Sumin was about to open her mouth and thank him for bringing her to her class the bell rang. Shit, she made Taehyung bring her to her class, now he's late for his. "Aish- Thanks Taehyung! And I'm sorry!" Sumin shouted as she ran into her class. She couldn't explain everything thoroughly but that was the most she could put out there at that moment. She owed him one.


She stood on the campus ground waiting for him. Who she doesn't even know if he had left. The last time she saw Taehyung was when he brought her to her class. She had no way of contacting him so she just waited, and hoped that he was still in class.

And he was. Her eyes lit up as she saw the familiar person walking towards the gate. She waved, and he waved back.

"Are you waiting for someone?" He asked. Sumin grinned "Yup! You.". She was excited, excited to see Taehyung, and mostly to treat him to ice cream. Taehyung's face turned into a confused one, he pointed at himself "Je-ga?"


The sat down next to each other on the swing. The chains squeaking as Sumin moved back and forth. It was cold but it was enjoyable. The vanilla ice cream she held in her hands doesn't melt as fast.

Taehyung licked his ice cream slowly, taking in every bit as each taste leaves a smile. "Gomawo." He said suddenly staring at the ice cream then his eyes searched to find hers. The same look in his eyes, the eyes that hide the stress and burden, yet it sparkles brightly in Sumin's eyes.

She smiled "I owned you one, you were late for class because of me." She continued to eat her ice cream. It was pale like the snow surrounding them, but it tasted better, a lot better.

Taehyung sighed picking up Sumin's attention, she whipped her head around watched the air condense from his mouth, turning into vapor and slowly drift away. He opened his mouth for a moment and paused before he spoke: "It's been hard on me lately." Sumin listened with awareness, hoping that giving in her ears could at least help him release his stress.

"The person who I thought would be my everything left." the sentence came out weak, his eyes looked into her's, glossy. For that moment Sumin could feel how broken the boy was. He must have loved her a lot. Sumin stood next to him, placing one of her hand gently on the sorrow boy's back as she patted him in a rhythmic flow.

"She told me she wasn't happy." his voice was shaky as he sniffled, staring at the ice cream in his hand, he was too afraid to look at Sumin, he didn't want to be seen as vulnerable. He held it in so well. But there was something about Sumin, something comforting about her that makes him weak, that makes him want to just pour all his emotions out. "Taehyung, you'd been strong all this time. " and that's when it hits. The comforting words that came out her mouth were like a spell, breaking free the boundaries that kept his tears in.

He sat on the swing hopelessly sniffling and gasping each second, holding the ice cream that never seems to melt as Sumin patted him tenderly. They stayed in that position that for a while, the boy vibrating under Sumin's hand. His sobbing finally subsided and he looked up at the girl who smiled down at him softly. The smile warmed his heart, warming all his inside. It felt like spring in the middle of winter.


September 6, 2013

Taehyung opened up to me today. A girl who he treasures left her. The tears that flowed down his cheeks were endless. He must have loved her a lot.

I'm glad that he opened up to me, I'm glad that the wall he put up isn't completely unbreakable.

A/N: Wahhh sorry for the short chapter. Thanks for reading my book keke. Please comment and vote if you like! Love you all~❤️

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