Cold Reality

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Irene Otten stumbles upon a few obstacles after she meets Ren Lyanel. A few days after his arrival at her school Ren doesn't seem like a very innocent young teen. There is an evil glint in his eyes whenever he smiles at her. What happens after she sees what he truly has in store for her? Will it be too late?

Authors Note: Haii! This is my very first story ever written in wattpad! Err. I really don't know what to say on these authors note things. This is 100% written by me but if there is a story out there exactly like this then that would be kind of awkward. But please just give my story a chance :) heh.. anyways I feel like I've taken up enough of your time bai bai!! P.S. Chapters will be longer than this... 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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