The Library

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"What are we waiting for!, they could arrive any minuet now", sunny says in patiently.
"I'm sorry, but there's a barrior of some kind preventing us from entering", blossom takes a closer look at the barrior before coming to a conclusion that what ever is in that library is important, otherwise it wouldn't be worth protecting.

"Wait, is it magic", sunny is trembling at the thought, as magic has not been in the kingdom for so long, however legends mention that magic is a great thing but in result terrible thinhs can happen, over the years magic has been forgotten about, meaning that if magic has returned, bad things are bound to happen

"I'm arraid so", blossom conferms her statement. "No no no NO!, why now, were going to die" sunny is now panicking, on the floor cuddled up for confert, "well if you think about it were all hoing to die one day, so why worry" I say to calm the situation, but really didn't help at all, "yeah that definitely makes me feel a hundred times better!"
"Well it was worth the shot"
"Sure thing, you don't know what it's like worried to death"
"Yeah I definitely don't know what it's like, you do realise that we are both going through the same SITUATION"
"Well maybe.." sunny gets inturrupted by blossom telling us to shut our gobbs as she had enough of our fighting, even though she just met us. (Great first impression)
"I t.o go home", I sit near sunny and wipe the tears of her face, "sunny I'm so sorry, we're all stressed, and it's hard"
"Yeah it is"

For a change of atmospere i thought that it would be a good idea that I keep a look out for any monsters, also I needed to leave that room, this move gave me a minuet or two to think of a few ideas on how to get in to the library or what has happened, to my right I see an armoured statue that happenes to have a sword, it would be great for the mean time as a weapon against them.

In the distance I hear footsteps, each step comimg closer, I get out my sword, lower my stance and eyes focused on where the target is approching from, I wait and wait, turns out nothing was there, there's a possibility that it was my imagination, but with everything that's going on, it could be anything.

"SILVER, HURRY", rushing over I see that sunny is on the other side of the barrior.
"Silver, she just walked in"
"What, sunny can you come back through the barrior", she nods and gets it done with out a problem, we both watch in amazment, I gave it a try, but what happened we don't speak of.

We came to a conclusion that sunny is the only one able to go to and forth form the library, so sunny was on book finding duty, whereas blossom and I would scim through the books to find any info on that thing that would be considered useful

Hours pass and theres nothing about those creatures or it, except that they in the past have been known to cause havoc and grew the nickname of 'shadows', we get the feeling that someone wants us to search in another location somewhere that could get us to understand what the 'shadows' are.

We lose all hope on finding useful information as time continues and nothing is found, we all take a long needed break, sitting outside the library together, "hay, bloss, that is if I can call you that, what do you do at home"
"What area of daylight do you live in, and what do you do"
"Well I live on dairy farm, my family have been in the dairy business for a while, it's always the same old routine everyday, it waers you out, the farm is located near lake sunset, it's not the newest and spankiest farm out there but it's home, why don't you pay a visit after all this blows over"
"What do you say sunny"
"Well it's a grand idea but don't be too sure that this will bw over soon, cus I have a feeling that this is just the beginning, but yeah I'm up for that"
"That's great, I could ask my mama to cook up a few cakes and pies for your arrival, everyone would be dieing to meet both of you, oh and don't forget to bring your families too"
"Or anyone special", sunny nudges over to me and gives me a wink, giving me that 'I know your tempted' look as if I had anyone special in my life (secretly crying on the inside)
"Sunny I wouldn't get your hopes up, you know me I'm single as a pringle"
"But pringles don't come alone"
"Shut up"
"You know I'm single too, but I'm ready to mingle"
"Then why didn't you go and flirt with the guards"
"Well they weren't hot enough", she flings her head to one side doing the 'I'm fabulous' pose, whilst doing a hair flick at the same time.

We carry on joking about as time slipped our minds, knowimg that life is great espacaily with others to mess with, I was happy to know now that we all have something to look forward too, and boy do I love pies he he.

Hey guys, art wotk was created by
Who lobes pies, cus I know that I do, bye

DayLight MoonLight-season 1 "shadows"Where stories live. Discover now