Wisdom teeth + FREMMER OMG

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I removed 2 of my wisdom teeth this morning, cause it was causing a inflammation and it was hurting a lot.

Guys, it hurt like hell now. I can barely open my mouth, and everytime I swallow something it hurts even more. The doctor said I might get better in a couple days though.

But the good part is that I need to eat a lot of ice cream, like all the time. It's part of the recuperating process 😂😂

I'm gonna remove the other in about a month! Then I'll be free of this hell!

Also, Fremmer. Oh. My. GOD!!! SO ADORABLE!!

Last night's episode was my favorite from season 3 so far. Not only because of Fremmer, but it was the funniest to watch. I wanted to laugh at Zack and Lawrence with the old people, and at Tomika and Mr Finn dancing (LMAO) and I literally screamed at all the Fremmer scenes. But then I regretted it, cause my stitches hurt a lot 😂😂

Like OMG Freddy, you're madly in love with Summer!!


Freddy has a bunch of pictures of Summer on his locker, and he tried confessing to her twice. I mean, he did. But she thought he was talking about some girl called Penny, or something like that.

I curse that girl for being at the hallway the first time Freddy confessed.

Not really, cause this is not nice.

But I wish she was never there.

Oh well.

~Maddie 💕✨

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