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Marshall pov

I ripped gumbutt off Fiona with .y eyes demonic as ever   if you ever try that with Fiona again I will literally suck you white and reed you to the demons of the nightospere you got that to show I was not lying I ducked him a little bit white and dropped him


I heared the door ripped off its hinges and it was cake and oh boy she was not happy

Cake pov
My tail was frizzing out so I knew it was Fiona when she us in trouble so I left lord mono  and went to gumball Rome since I didn't see Fiona gumball either Marshall  so I opened the door and saw Fiona crying Marshall comforting her while looking at gumball who was lying down a little bit pale and useless on the floor at him so out of anger I ripped the door of its hinges and asked for an explanation  Marshall explained and I attacked gumball with my sharp claws  then when I was done I cleaned my claws


Cliff hanger ;)

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