Chapter 17

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Evan pulled away from Hoseok and pressed his lips against his.

They pulled away and Evan said "I'm sorry"

"It okay Evvy" Hoseok said as he hugged Evan again.

"Sorry for interrupting but we still need to find Jason and Lily" Yoongi said

Hoseok blushed and looked down.

Evan stood up and helped Hoseok up.

They walked through the hallways until they heard some one screaming.

They all ran over there to see a man trying to stab Jason and another man holding Lily so that she won't try to attack the man on top of Jason.

Taehyung walked up front and handed the gun to Evan and then he walked back to Jungkook.

Evan let go of Hoseok and shot the man holding onto Lily then all of a sudden he felt pain on his left side.

Hoseok let out a whimper as he tried to catch Evan since he was about to fall.

The man was no longer on Jason but he was besides Evan.

"H-Hoseok take the gun and k-kill him" Evan said.

"Evvy I can't " Hoseok said.

"Please Hoseok just do it" Evan said.

But before Hoseok could say anything a loud gun shot was heard they turned around to see Lily standing there with the gun in hand.

Hoseok suddenly felt as if he failed Evan.

"I-I S-Sorry" Hoseok said.

Evan lifted Hoseok's face up and said "Hoseok you don't have to apologize I shouldn't have pressured you into doing something you didn't want to do"

Hoseok nodded and then helped Evan up.

The walked around looking for an exit.

When they heard yelling coming from the door in front.

"Well were did they go!!" The person yelled.

"I don't know sir" The other person said.

Evan's grip tightened around Hoseok.

"Let's go" Evan said the all countinued walking when they found a room they walked in and closed the door quietly.

Hoseok set Evan down and then started looking around trying to find the first aid kit.

He finally found one and ran to get it.

He grabbed it and ran back to Evan.

He tried to remember how Evan cleaned his cut last time.

"Let me see it" Evan said as he reached to grab the first aid kit.

"No I clean" Hoseok said as he opened the first aid kit.

"Okay" Evan replied.

"Um you lift shirt" Hoseok said as he blushed.

Evan lifted his shirt up and Hoseok began to clean his cut.

He place a big bandage over his cut.

"I finished" Hoseok said happily.

"Hoseok" Evan said.

"Yes Evvy" Hoseok said as he finished putting the things back in the first aid kit.

"I love you" Evan said.

"I love you too" Hoseok said with a smile.

Evan pressed his lips against Hoseok's and he kissed back.

Hoseok smiled in to the kiss and Evan did the same.


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