turning shade in to a vampire

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Shadow's pov

Today I'm going to turn shade into a vampire she is not going to like this at all because i have to bite her. Sonic can you get shade for me sonic said all right shadow then sonic went to get shade. I when to talk to amy, rouge, knuckles, silver, mephiles, fleetway, scourge, cream,omega and eggman about turning shade into a vampire. Eggman said ok so how are you going to do that,I'm going to have knuckles,mephiles and fleetway to help me with shade.

Sonic's pov

Shadow asked me to go get Shade ,i said ok then i went to get shade from her room. Shade can you come with me,i asked shade,shade asked me where are we going,i said shadow wants you. Shade and i wake from her room all the way to shadow's doctor's room where we see shadow talking to amy, rouge, knuckles, silver, mephiles, fleetway, scourge, cream,omega and eggman about turning shade into a vampire. Eggman said ok so how are you going to do that,I'm going to have knuckles, mephiles and fleetway to help me with shade. I clear my throat to get their attention once i got their attention i said i have shade with me.

Shades pov

My mom came into my room and said that dad needs me, i asked mom where are we going, mom said dad wants you. Mom and i wake from my room all the way to dad's doctor's room where we see dad talking to amy, rouge, knuckles, silver, mephiles, fleetway, scourge, cream,omega and eggman about turning someone into a vampire. Eggman said ok so how are you going to do that,I'm going to have knuckles, mephiles and fleetway to help me with shade. Mom clear her throat to get their attention once she got their attention she said i have shade with me. Dad said ok knuckles,mephiles,fleetway come with shade and i. Knuckles,mephiles and fleetway did what my dad said. Dad asked me to lead down on the bed but i refused to do that so dad said to knuckles,mephiles and fleetway to hold me face down on the bed. Dad then did something i did not expect my dad to do he bite my neck and boy did it hurt bad to.

Shadow's pov

I was talking to amy,rouge,knuckles, silver,mephiles,scourge,cream,omega and eggman.Sonic clear her throat to get our attention once she got our attention sonic said i have shade with me.i said ok knuckles,mephiles,fleetway come with shade and i. Knuckles,mephiles and fleetway did what i said. I asked shade to lead down on the bed but she refused to do that so I said to knuckles,mephiles and fleetway to hold shade face down on the bed. I then did something shade did not expect me to do i  bite her neck and look like it hurt bad to. After a few minutes i stoped biting her.

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