Chapter 8: How Embarrassing

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"Mommy! Mommy!" A white-haired girl runs up to a white-haired woman. A spring in each step as excitement courses through her body.

"My goodness. What is it dear?" The woman replies.

"Today is Thursday! That means I need you to take me to play with Connor!" The girl gives out a toothy smile a couple of small fangs protruding out.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I told you this, Connor is not feeling well today..." The mother frowns but pats the girls head.

"Oh...well...what if I make him a "get-well" card? Then can we go over and give it to him?" The woman nods in reply and the girl squeals.

She makes her way to her bedroom to make the get-well card. She grabs some crinkled paper and folds it into a card shape. She pulls open all her desk drawers to find her crayons and begins to doodle the card. She finishes shortly and satisfied with her card she rushes to her mother.

"All done!" She opens the card to show her mother.

"My little artist! You are so talented, you must have gotten that trait from your father. Now...lets go over to their house."

The pair makes their way through the forest to the next house over. The child knocks on the door a couple of times. No answer. She quickly loses patience's and continues to knock until the door is opened by a tall tawny-haired woman. She answers the door with a scowl on her face, but it softens as soon as she sees the two white-haired visitors. She ushers them inside and offers drinks.

"I know Connor is sick...but may I give him my card?" The child asks.

The woman replies with a nod and ushers her mother to the living room to chat away as the child runs down the hallway to the boy's bedroom. She knocks on the oak door and waits for a reply.

"Come-in," A hoarse voice coughs out.

The girl eases herself into the room. The noon sun rays seep into the room inviting the girl in. She scans the area to spot a tuft of tawny hair sticking out from under some blankets. She takes a deep breath and gulps it down as she steps in, her cheeks heating up as she approaches the boy.

"I-I know your!" She pushes the card towards the boy her head bowed down, cheeks dusted with a rosy color.

The boy pulls himself into a sitting position and takes the card. His fingers brushing against her own. The contact made her cheeks warm up even more and she starts to feel dizzy, so she takes it upon herself to sit down.

"Thanks...," The boy looks down at the girl and smiles at her. The girl jumps in response to his compliment.

"Pleasegetbettersoonsowecanplayagaintogether!" She blurts out fast.

"Hey...why are you acting that way? Your face is all red."

Connor blinks at her confused, wondering why she is acting so shy towards him. He looks away from her for a moment to ponder this. He looks back at her, her blue eyes avoid his own as she stands there guarded, her hands entwined.

"Did...did your mom tell you that we...?" Connor asks, and she replies with a nod, his face heats up even warmer than it already is.

"Oh...well.... that's in the far away future!" He blurts out.

"We are still good friends! You don't need act weird around me," He rubs his nose, fresh snot threatening to drip out. The girl perks up a bit and nods.

"Yeah, friends! We will always be good friends! Even when we are married!" She lets out a toothy grin, her cheeks returning to their normal color.

"Velvet dear! It's time to go! Connor needs his rest." Her mother shouts out.

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