Chapter Four

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It is now Wednesday morning, and I am about to head out and walk to school, I open the door and am startled by, of course, Damien.
"Good Morning," he said. He was wearing his usual black jeans, his lacrosse jersey, a black pair of DC's, and his hair styled.
"Morning," I say, a little confused, "Why are you at my house?"
"The plan won't work unless, we actually act, which means that I will be driving you to school today, so come on," he answers, as a matter of factly.
"Why can't I just walk to school, like I always do, I like walking,"
"Ok, well then, if you won't let me drive you, then I guess we are walking to school together," he says and begins walking towards the sidewalk.
"Fine then," I reply, and we start walking side by side towards school. We walk in a comfortable silence, but it still feels weird to be doing this favour for Damien, namely because we barely ever talk, and when we do its him being really caring and weird, or its him being a complete ass with his friends. We are walking through the school gates, and as soon as our feet hit the school's property, we are bombarded with stares, and death stares from literally everyone in the parking lot.
"Well this isn't weird or creepy at all," I exclaim, feeling very cautious and overwhelmed.
"Just breath and act calm," he says, putting his hand on my lower back. I am about to pull him up on it when he says, "It's just to prove our act, trust me, I don't want my hand anywhere near you either."
"Fine, but just so you know, if your hand goes anywhere near my ass, I will break every bone in your body," I say, menacingly, which causes all the colour to escape his face, "Oh, just breath and act calm," I add, mimicking what he said to me, which Damien just laughs at.
We walk through the front doors of school, and automatically I feel like this is a really bad idea. I don't know if this is even worth it now, but then I realise that if I do this then Jackson won't ever have to hear that stuff again, and be upset like he was the other day. So, I keep my head up, and try and focus on what I need to do, to ensure that this will work.
We walk to my locker, and I grab by books, but I almost drop them when I hear a high pitch scream coming from across the hallway. I knew exactly who it was that let out that desperate screech.
"What the hell is THIS! Why are you with loony tune! Do you know who I am! I am Tahliah Steele! I am literally the most popular girl in SCHOOL!" Tahliah screams, which cause everyone in the hallway to stop and stare at the scene unfolding.
"Geez T, calm down, I was just helping Rosamay out, no need to have a fit," Damien says as calmly as ever.
"Don't you dare tell me, ME, to calm down. I knew you were a cheater, so you know what it doesn't even matter, because guess what sweetheart," she says, sounding a little calmer at the end.
"I cheated on you first," she laughed.
"What guy in his right mind, would ever hook up with a selfish, cheap talking, princess like you? Oh, wait, don't tell me...Sam?" he asked, laughing hysterically by the end, as if he already knew and could not care less. And to top it all off, Sam was standing there with his head hanging low, as if ashamed, and the look of disappointment was evident on his face, and it just made the whole situation a lot funnier, well a lot funnier for Damien, because the look on Tahliah's face was one that I would not call happy, or cheerful.
"Ughhhh, I hate you, you cheating bastard! I hope you burn in hell!" she remarked, and left the hallway, with her minions following her tail.
As soon as all the girls were out of sight, Damien and I both let out an exasperated sigh of relief, Damien's reason being that he could finally move on and not have to deal with Tahliah, being well, Tahliah. My reason being, the fact that now I don't have to worry about the worries and annoyances from any of the jocks, or Tahliah's possie, or, thank God, Damien too.
"Ok, well that was riveting, annoying, but a pleasure to watch, but if the favour is done, then I will be on my way, see ya," I said, feeling happy with myself, and the way I acted so well in that situation, "Oh, and don't forget to hold up your end of the deal,"
"Thank you, Rosamay, for helping me with that, and yes, I will hold up my end of the deal, trust me," he answered.
"Yeah, well, I guess I'll see you around," I say, as I walk to first period.
The day went by smoothly after that, I had no run ins with, Tahliah or her possie, or the jocks, or Damien, which was a relief. I hung out with Brandon and his friends for the day, we sat together in all of our classes that we had together, and we sat together at lunch too. It felt nice to be able to laugh with other people that weren't, Aunty Karen or Jackson. However, throughout the entire day, I got that feeling, again, that someone was watching me, and the feeling only increased when I was walking home. I couldn't shake the feeling, so like the other day, I only quickened my pace, until I was walking into my house, and to my surprise, Aunty Karen was home early for a change. She and Jackson were in the kitchen making afternoon tea.
"Hey Rose, how was your day?" Aunty Karen asked me, while giving me a tight hug.
"It was alright, why are you home early?"
"I asked to have this shift off, because I wasn't feeling the best, probably from lack of sleep, so I'm going to finish in here, then go to bed, is that ok?" she asked.
"Oh ok, yeah, that's alright, I'll make sure that Jackson's homework is completed,"
"Aww you're so sweet Rose, I love how much you help me," she says, getting all mushy while giving me a kiss on the cheek, and heading upstairs.
"Alright, once you have finished eating we will do your homework and then we will have a lazy afternoon, what do you say?" I imply.
"Sure, can we have a bit of chocolate soon?" Jackson asks, so innocently, looking up at me with his big brown eyes, which always got me.
"Yeah, sure why not,"
We both finish our afternoon tea, completed our homework, and then watch a movie, and played a few video games.

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