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Naruto Uzumaki had always been the odd one out in the orphanage. Sadly, that didn't seem to make him likable, for he didn't have any friends. When people came to adopt, it was never him. Until today. But he has yet to know this.

Cecilia Samai had stunning black eyes, accessorized with red glasses that seemed to glint in the sunlight, beautiful long brown hair, the best etiquette a person could have, and to others was the epitome of perfect. To herself, she was incomplete, which was why she was standing in the Konoha Orphanage. In front of her were many children, though one seemed to catch her eye. A small blonde boy in the back of the group, not bothering to even look up. Cecilia continued to stare, hoping he would look so she could catch his eye.

Naruto felt a pair of eyes on him, and had so for the past few moments. He felt the look and didn't like it, so he looked up, only to see a woman looking directly at him with a smile. Confused, he tilted his head, and the woman seemed to not take notice as she waved him to come forward. The child pointed to himself and she nodded. Naruto walked towards he in a daze as they held eye contact. When he finally reached to front of the crowd and approached the woman, he could feel the hateful glares of the children and caretaker.

"What's your name, dear?" The mysterious woman asked him.

"Naruto," he quietly replied. The woman nodded and smiled towards him.

"Naruto, I like it. My name is Cecilia. Why don't you tell me about yourself?" Cecilia spoke, a certain grace to herself. Naruto stayed silent, a puzzled look on his face.

"Simple things. Like, how old are you?"


"What about your favourite colour? Do you have a favourite colour, Naruto?"


"Do you have a favourite animal?"

"Dogs." Naruto felt like he was being interrogated.

"What about a favourite food?"

"Ramen!" Naruto exclaimed, before quickly covering his mouth with his hand and his eyes widened in fear. Most people didn't like it when he said anything louder than a whisper. Cecilia chuckled.

"Why don't we get out of here and get some ramen?" she kindly asked.

"What do ya mean lady?" This lady was very confusing to Naruto, with her kindness and shortage of hate.

"Why, I mean I'd like to adopt you, Naruto. What do you think about that, dear?" Naruto thought it over, until his body acted on his own and he nodded. Internally, he panicked at the rash decision and wondered if this lady was going to harm him.

"Great! Let's go get the papers and then we'll be on our way." Cecilia walked to the front desk with a fidgety Naruto following behind.

"I would like to adopt Naruto, please," Cecilia announced. Without looking up from her book, the lady took out a profile and a few papers that she placed on the desk, whilst pointing at a small can full of pens.

"Thank you, ma'am." Cecilia took the items and Naruto's hand as they sat down at one of the few seats provided. As his hand was held, Naruto felt a warmth spread through him, and he felt at ease. Naruto wasn't sure he could trust the lady yet, but he did know he was beginning to like her. He also knew he liked his hand being held by someone with a motherly aura. Silently, Cecilia filled out the paperwork, asking Naruto a few questions here and there to fill out a certain section, which he answered. When finished, Cecilia grabbed Naruto's hand and the papers, and walked towards the desk. There it was again. That warm feeling. She returned the items, which the lady quickly scanned through before shooing the two away.

"Well then Naruto, would you like some ramen now?" Cecilia asked, smiling down at Naruto after they had left the building.

"Yeah!" Naruto yelled, a grin spread across his face. She didn't mind the first time he yelled, so why not risk a second?

"Any place you want to specifically go to?" Cecilia asked, as they walked towards the center of town. She didn't seem to mind his loudness. Naruto thought her question over. On the few times he was allowed to go outside of the orphanage, he liked to visit two places. One of them being a ramen shop.

"Ichiraku's! They have the bestest ramen in the world, 'ttebayo!" Naruto exclaimed, risking a third time. Cecilia chuckled.

"I'd have to say I agree. Ichiraku's is the settled destination then," she cheerfully replied. The two weaved through the crowd of people, though it wasn't that hard to do. People parted for whom they called goddess; and whom they called demon. Naruto held his head down in shame, but didn't bring himself to let go of Cecilia's hand. In a few minutes with Ichiraku's in sight, Naruto brightened up, a fox-like grin spreading across his face. His small feet sped up a little bit, excitedly thinking about what ramen to get. Cecilia entered Ichiraku's with Naruto, sitting on one of the stools and letting go of his hand. Naruto slightly saddened at that, but thought nothing of it as he sat in the stool next to her. Teuchi drying his hands of with a cloth, and turned to his customers.

"Afternoon Cecilia," he cheerfully greeted, and saw Naruto to her right, sitting with a pout, "Afternoon to you too, Naruto". Naruto smiled, and Cecilia also smiled and bowed her head in return.

"What can I get for you two?"

"Miso!" Naruto exclaimed. Teuchi chuckled and nodded, while his daughter, Ayame, started to cook his ramen. Teuchi turned expectantly to Cecilia.

"I'll have Shio, if I may," she politely ordered.

"Of course," Teuchi replied and turned around to help Ayame with cooking.

Throughout the afternoon, Naruto and Cecilia ate ramen and discussed about everything and anything. Eventually, they ended up having to wave goodbye to Teuchi and Ayame, and they walked towards the Samai residence. At the end of the day, Naruto decided to try and trust her.

It was on that day that Naruto Uzumaki was adopted, and became Naruto Uzumaki-Samai, and he'd have to say, it was the best rash decision of his life.

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