Mr and Mrs Bad! ~ Chapter 1

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" So are you telling me whats wrong?" I asked Nick while sitting on the chair in the kitchen. "wow there is nothing wrong." Nick said turning around with a spoon. "but the-" "could you taste this for me please?" he said holding the spoon in front of my mouth. I nodded and tasted the red souse " okey now that I tasted it can you tell me whats wrong?" I said annoyed. you may be wondering who I am and who Nick is well let me tell you. My name is Edelyn Clark I'm 17 years old and I live with Nick Oliver. just so you know Nick is not my father but he took me in when I was 10 years old and I had nowhere to go. You may think why would an 10 year old wonder around all alone in the middle of the night. Well my brother moved out when he was 18 to go to college. my mum died and I don't know where my so called father went. the only thing that I know is that my father has my little brother Elliot. Elliot should be 16 now he was 1 year younger then I was our older brother Evan was 9 years older then I was and 10 years older then Elliot. But when everything happened I was all alone I lost contact with Evan. I don't know where he lives or what he is doing. I miss him a lot but, and I've looked for him but I can't really find him. 

"yes okey so remember how I promised you that I would find your brother?" I nodded my head." that was when I was 10" I said drinking my water. " yes that is true but I actually found him". Wait did he just say I found him. I looked at him before spiting my water right in his face. " ahh come on Edie why would you do that." he said toughing his now wet face. "come again?" I said looking at him with wide eyes " I said why would-" he started but I didn't let him finish. "No I mean about my brother?" I said looking at him with tears in my eyes. " Oow that yeah I found him, he is in Miami." " you really found him?" " yeah and I think you should go too him". "you mean live with him?" he nodded his head. "But what about you? I can't leave you." "yes you can you told me you where very close with him." "yeah but I've bin with you sins I was 10. I can't just leave." "Edelyn listen you may not know but I've heard you cry at night. And I know that you miss my mum and your brothers thats why I think you should go." I looked at my hands. "look you know I see you as my daughter." I nodded my head "but I think you should do it, thats why I bought you a ticket for the next flight to Miami." "when?" "tomorrow at 10 am" "WHAT! I didn't even pack." I said . "well actually I did that when you where in school." he said putting  a hand in his hair. "okey I guess. I'm going. I mean it is my brother, yeah well I'm going to bed." "Edie your not mead at me are you?" "no I'm just tired plus I need my rest cause I can't sleep in an airplane." I said making my way upstairs. "But you didn't have any dinner yet?" "I'm not hungry" and with that said I walked up stairs to my room.

After a sleepless night and a goodbye from Nick I was now siting in a plane on my way to my brother that I hadn't seen in 7 years. I wonder how he looks if he still has his light brown hair his green eyes. we don't look that much alike I have dark brown hair he has light brown hair I have dark brown eyes he has green eyes. He looks a lot like my father I look a lot like my mother. Elliot  has something from both of are parents. he has dark brown hair like my mother his face looks a lot like my mother. The only difference is that his eyes are blue and with blue I mean super blue. well I don't know if he still has blue eyes but the last time I saw him he had blue eyes. Elliot I wonder what he is doing right now, I don't even know if he is still alive. every time I think about him I see a 16 year old boy with blue eyes smiling. holding the hand of his girlfriend and having a good life. I wish it was true I hope it is true. I hope he is living the teenage life with party's getting drunk girls. I just hope isn't a player.

"excuse me Miss?" I looked up and saw one of the stewardesses "yes?" "we just landed in Miami you can leave the plane now." she said with a smile. I looked around the hole plane was empty "right sorry I spaced out I guess." I said getting my bag and leaving the plane. after getting my two suitcases I walked out of the airport. "taxi I need a taxi." I said to my self looking around. after looking around I saw a taxi. "Taxi!" I said stoping the car. The man got out of the taxi and got my leagues and I got in the car. "where to Miss?" the man said he looked around the 35. "uum to this address please" I said giving him the paper Nick gave me with the address. the man nodded and we start riding.

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