Mr And Mrs Bad~Chapter 9

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"Edelyn?" "Yeah" i said looking at my little brother "do you know why mommy and daddy are fighting?" "No i don't i guess it's about Even." i said looking at the ceiling. "Why?" "cause we haven't seen him for a while." "i miss Even." he said looking at me. i nodded my head "me too." "why did Even leave?" "uuum cause he didn't want to be the new gang leader from daddy's gang." i said "well then you can be the new leader." i smiled "No i can't" i said looking at him "Why?" "cause i'm a girl, and dad says only boys can be the leader." "does that mean i will become the leader?" i nodded my head. "yeah i guess so." he jumped up "Really!" i nodded "cool! i will be the best leader in the world." he said jumping of the bed. "ill sneak around with my gun in my hand." he said folding his hands together so it looks like he is holding a gun. "and then when the bad guys come ill shoot BAM BAM BAM." he said jumping around. i laughed at how silly he was acting which made him laugh to " and i'll fight" he said kicking his lag in the air but when he did that he lost his balance which made him fall against my desk which made the lamp fall on the floor. it made a laude bang noice which made Elliot scream. we heard footsteps on the stairs before my bedroom door opened. "what happened." mum said looking at us "uuum" i said looking at Elliot. mum and dad both saw me looking a him so they turned to him.

Elliot saw us all looking at him and smiled "haiiiii" he said acting like he didn't do anything. "what happened" dad said folding his arms. "i was just showing Eddie how ill be the best gang leader in the world." he said like it was nothing mum had a confused look on her face. "Edelyn says because Even doesn't want to be the gang leader i can be it." My parents both turned to me. "oow really?" Dad said with a smirk on his face. "so little Edelyn thinks that you will be a gang leader." he said walking to Elliot. he nodded taking a step back "yeah yes sir." he said. wait did he just say sir to dad? i laughed which made dad turn to me. "you think this is funny." i shaked my head saying no he laughed at us before grabbing Elliot and started tickling him "No Edelyn help me." he screamed "hey stay away from my brother" i said jumping on daddy'd beck "ooow no i'm getting attacked by little monsters, hunny help me." dad said which made me and El laugh more.

"hey you okey" i heard Even said getting me out of my thoughts "oow um yeah just thinking." i said taking the thee he just made for me "Thanks." he nodded. "what where you thinking?" "just about Elliot." he smiled. "remember how you made him wear a dress." i laughed "that was so funny i still don't get why he let me." "well he did everything you told him to do Ed did you really forget that already?" i smirked "no, he'll probably still do what i want him to do." i smiled "yeah i guess so." "we should probably go to bed" Even said getting up i nodded and did the same as he did. we both walked up the stairs "Even?" "Yeah" he said turning to me "Will you stay until i fall asleep?" he nodded and walked with me to my room. after changing in to my sleeping clothes i lied down on my bed "Good night baby sis." i heard Even say before i closed my eyes and fell a sleep.

"Edelyn Edelyn Edelyn wake up." i felt someone push me "Stop" i said turning around. "Wake up." i heard again and then i felt my body fall before i hit the floor. "AUW." I screamed looking at who pushed me. Elliot looked at me with a smile. "come on Eddie Santa came." he said pulling me up. Santa? why would oow thats right it's Christmas "did you wake up Ev?" "no i thought we could wake him up together." he said before opening Evens door we looked at each other before running too his bed and jumping on. "wake up, wake up." we both screamed and jumped up and down looking at him. "leave me alone." he said sleepy. "kids leave your brother alone he probably doesn't want any presents" Mum said standing by the door with daddy. "yeah he's a teen he's to cool to spend Christmas with his family" daddy said. "wait did you just say presents?" Even said everyone looked at him before nodding. Before i knew it he was out of his bed and running down the stairs. "PRESENTS!" he screamed "HEY!" i screamed before following him with Elliot right behind me. After opening all my presents I was now playing with my dolls that I had got from Santa. "Hey Linn what are you doing" mum asked sitting next to me " just playing with Emily and Jazz" I said showing her my two dolls. I loved how mum alway called me Lynn. Everyone always calls me Eddie or my real name Edelyn. But mommy? She didn't call me Eddie or Edelyn. No for her I was Lynn, she's been calling me that's since I can remember. George one of daddy's friends once tried calling me Lynn but mommy flipped one him. She said and I quote "if you ever say Lynn to my daughter I will personally tape you to a chair and cut of your balls and shoved them op his ass." I remember laughing at the look of George"s his face. He was scared which is understandable when mummy is really really mad she can be pretty scary. But most of the time she would be really really mad at dad and not in me so. Anyway let's just say George never ever called me Lynn again. He just stayed with the name Edelyn which I was totally fine with. Mum smiled at me before telling me that I chose two beautiful names for them and that I should keep playing. She stood up telling me she was gonna make us all a little snack. But just before she left she turned around and smiled "I love you Linny"

I love you Linny

I love you Linny

I love you

I kept hearing her voice but it started to become more quieter until o didn't her anything anymore, and at that moment I opened my eyes and woke up.

Opening my eyes I looked around, Even was sleeping next to me i guess he fell asleep when he  was waiting for me to fall asleep. i looked at the clock next to my bed and saw that it was 6:30 Am. well going back to sleep wouldn't really work my alarm would go of in 30 minutes anyway so i guess i should just get out of bed. walking out of my room i walked down the stairs to get my self a glass off water. "Hey." i heard someone say. i turned around and saw Tanner standing by the door  "Hey." "so are you okey? with everything that happend yesterday?"i nodded my head "yeah i just, i thought that Noah was different" he nodded "i don't know the whole story, i mean i didn't know that you guys kissed. But what i do know is that Noah, he didn't tell Meghan about your dad and how your mom died. And he definitley didn't say anything about your brother." he said with a sad smile. "How would you know?" i asked leaning on the table.

"i know cause i now him since i was 8 and the second you guys left yesterday he started throwing stuff in his room and screaming. we first thought it was because of Even i mean they've been friends for a while. But he was screaming about you." "why?" "i don't know but talk you might find out." he said before turning around and walking back to  probably get ready for school. why would Noah scream and be mad about me, we don't even know each other for that long. but then he did say that there was something about me, and thats why he kissed me. But then why did i kiss back, what are my feelings for him? and why would Tanner say that it wasn't Noah who told his bitch of a girlfriend about my family. so many questions with no anwsers but ill find out starting with what really between me and Noah.


hey guys sorry for not updating for so long but i've been really busy the last few days but i'm back and the next update will be soon xxx

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