06. Highlighter

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The thing about planning a spontaneous trip to Portugal with a celebrity was that no one believed you were telling the truth. And with good reason.

"Trip to Portugal with Myles Torres? What the fuck is happening?" Adrian scoffed, turning the menu card over, examining every dish; he had been cautious ever since he'd returned from the hospital after his allergic reaction over a week ago. The doctors had deemed him fit and healthy and he'd gone back to being his usual, cocky self with surprising ease.

All of Isha's consideration for him had been thrown out the moment that he'd whispered, "Aww, you were worried about me. You love me, don't you? I love you too." He had proceeded to engulf her in a hug which had resulted in him getting smacked on his head. And just like that, they were back to being enemies.

"You won't be saying that when we're on our way to Paris and she's on her flight to Lisbon with Myles fucking Torres," Isha responded, leaning back in her cushioned seat, her thumbs tapping the screen of her phone rapidly.

Nia wasn't paying attention to their exchange. Seated in the dining room of their hotel, she had been drumming her fingers on the table-top much to Isha's annoyance. Her eyes scanned the room and fixated on the doorway. Biting her nails, she waited for Colin to appear.

Last week, after her heart-warming conversation with Myles and their decision to travel to Lisbon to meet his mother, Nia had found herself in a tight spot when it came to informing Colin about the same. Every time that she'd pluck up the courage to talk to him, she would find herself stuttering and for some weird reason, never got around to telling him that there had been a slight change in plans.

However, she couldn't postpone the conversation any longer. So she'd decided that lunchtime would be the best opportunity to talk to him.

"He is coming, isn't he?" she asked, as the fifteenth person who wasn't Colin, entered through the door.

"Yes, he is. Calm your tits, woman," Isha replied, not looking up from the screen of her phone even for a moment.

Nia frowned, surprised at her friend's sudden addiction to her phone; Isha had always been the preacher of refraining from any sort of technology during meals. Her eyes shifted from the doorway to Isha, who was seated to her right, her eyes still glued to the digital screen which appeared to display a personal chat page.

Not being one to sneak a peek at the name on the chat-head, Nia cleared her throat, expecting Isha to glance at her quizzically. But when she didn't respond, Nia let out a sigh and asked, "Who are you texting so eagerly?" Just as the question left her mouth, a sudden realisation dawned on her. She clapped a hand over her mouth, but her muffled voice was still decipherable. "Is it Jessica?"

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