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Dear Reader,

This story I'm writing concerns a muslim revert (or convert, if you're non-muslim). I have never met a muslim revert in my life after the age of seven, when I was too young to understand what it truly meant to be a revert. Thus why I have never been able to interrogate a revert's feelings towards Islam. Having said that, I may or may not be able to portray the feelings of a revert correctly. If I am not able to do so, I apologize to you. If you feel that my work is flawed, I would appreciate constructive criticism (not negative or rude comments).


- I am a supporter of polygyny (the act of a man marrying more than one woman) because I believe that once Allah has announced something permissible, a human is no one to speak ill of it (yes, that includes divorce as well). And polygyny will play a role in this book.

So if you have any thing against polygyny or have something ill to say about it, I advise you to stop reading this book. I am not shoving my opinion down anyone's throat; I am merely stating my opinion. I respect the opinion of people who don't support this act and it will be highly appreciated that my opinion be respected, too. If that is not possible, then please, get off of my profile and works.

- I also am a firm believer that hijab is not only "what's in the heart", and I'm very strict in this belief so please don't be offended by it, and if you can't handle it, then I again advise you to stop reading this.

- This book will show some of the matters of Islam that are considered controversial  in a more positive light. So if you're interested, then hop along. If you plan on making rude comments, I will block you, so I recommend not wasting your time and advise you to go read some other book.

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