Chapter 2 Part 2

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When we got to my room, I opened the door and walked in with Liam right behind me. As Liam walked into my room, he looked around but stopped with his head facing my bed. While he was staring at that direction, I noticed that he was starting to smile. I then looked over in that direction and realized that he mist be looking at the photo from when we were 5 on Halloween, that was sitting on my bedside table. After about 2 minutes, he finally said something. " You still have that picture," he said as he walked over to it and picked it up. " Yeah. Why wouldn't I, it was one of our best Halloweens as kids," I said walking over to him and then sitting down on my bed. " Yeah, it was the best Halloween we spent together. I mean that was the only year our costumes matched," he said as he put the picture back down on the stand and sat down next to me on my bed. "Yeah, so what all have you done since you moved here Lili?" " Well, made some new friends, got my hair cut into a few new styles, joined the school's futball team, and became one of the most popular kids at school." " Wow, that's a lot." " Yeah, it is. So, I was wondering if maybe you could tell me about the car crash your dad died in. If you want to, I mean you don't have toif you don't want to," Liam said looking me in the eyes. " Sure, I mean you were kinda close to my dad so ou should know," I said looking at him. " Okay, so it was basiclly like this. My dad was driving home from work late at night. Then out of nowhere, another car came and crashed into my dad's car head on. After my dad had been taken to the hospital, it turned out that the guy that hit my dad's car was drunk. Then later that night, my dad died at the hospital due to internal bleeding and major swelling in his brain," I said not relizing that I had started crying.

~Liam POV~ 

" Then later that night, my dad died at the hospital due to internal bleeding and major swelling in his brain," she said as she started to cry. " Oh, KItten, you didn't have to tell me if you were going to cry," I said as I cupped her face with my hands and wipped away the tears on her cheeks with my thumbs. " No, its okayLiam, you were close to my him. You needed to know," she said still with tears in her eyes. " Yeah, I was close to him," I said as I pulled her into a hug. After about 3 minutes, we pulled away from each other and just stared at each other. After about a minute, Kaitlyn broke the silence between us. " Liam," she said still looking at me. " Yeah," I said. " Um, do you mind if I play the piano. When ever I think about my dad, I always play the song he tought me how to play when I was 10," she said getting up and heading over to the key board she had in her room. " Not at all love, and besides, I missed hearing you play," I said getting up and followed her over to her piano. When she got to the piano, she sat down on the chair she had in front of it and started to play. As she played, I watched her hands dance along the keys and hit every note perfectly, and the thing is, I knew the song she was playing. I used to play it eveytime I would think about her while we were apart. After about 2 minutes, she finally came to the end of the song. " Kaitlyn, that was amazing," I said giving her a hug from behind. " Thanks. When ever I play it , I feel like my dad is sitting here next to me watching me play," she said looking back at me. " Yeah, I can tell its special to you," I said. After chatting and playing the piano with Kaitlyn, I heard my mum call for me to come downstairs. Kaitlyn and I made our way downstairs to see my mum by the front door with her stuff. " Come on Liam, we should head home now," my mum said. " Okay mum," I said. I then turned to Kaitlyn and gave her a big hug and told her bye and then I did the same with her mum. Once me and my mum got in the car, we headed home. " Mum, can I tell you something?" I asked. " Sure sweetie, what is it," she said. " Well, I really like Kaitlyn mum, I have ever since I was 7. But I don't want to tell her cuz I don't want to ruin our friendship," I said. " I know sweetie, I can see it in your eyes when ever your with her or see her. Its the same thing I saw in your dad's eyes when we first met, love. And I can see the same in her eyes as weel Liam," my mum said.

~Kaitlyn POV~

" Mum, I like Liam," I said as soon as Liam and his mum left. " I know you do sweetie. Karen and I were talking about that after you and Liam went to your room. We can see that in both of y'all really like each other just by the look in y'all's eyes when you're with each other or see each other. We see the love in y'all's eyes," my mum said. " Really," I said. " Yes sweetheart. But y'all are just too afraid to tell each other how you really feel. Am I right," she said. " Yeah, I just don't want to ruin our friendship," I said. " I know you don't sweetie but the way I see it, he will feel the same way , okay," my mum said. " Okay, well I'm going to go to bed, night," I said getting up and heading to the stairs. " OKay. NIght." I made my way up the stairs and to my room. I then changed my clothes and then went to bed.

**** hey guys sorry about the really long wait for the rest of the chapter ive been really busty and havent had time to finish. and thanks for reading this story .****

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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