~S E V E N~

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Almost three hundred reads guys, this is awesome! Thank you, dont forget to comment your thoughts throughout the chapter, I love to hear your most freaky fucked up thoughts ;) This chapter is in Daniels point of view

Chapter seven


What the hell are you doing Daniel? Truthfully I didn't know. I could have a any girl I wanted with a single heated look, so why was a chasing after a girl that, lets be honest, wasn't all that special? But from the moment that I laid eyes on her she had been on my mind every moment throughout the day, voluntary and not.

I wasn't a very patient man, I had never been. And it had taken me a total of four hours of the green eyed beauty being constantly on my mind before I had finally lost my patience. I had bought the apartment across from hers in a matter of hours since I could not bare the thought of not keeping an eye on her. There, I installed a camera so that I could keep her in check every single waked moment. Of course there was a weakness, if she closed her curtains I could no longer see her.

I did not think that I would ever get defeated to a curtain.

With money, you could do anything.

With money, I could track down Mable and find out every tiny little thing about her. Her name, her address, her number, her family, her background, everything.

I had never acted this way before. I was calm, strategic, doing what needed to be done for the greater good for me and my company. But then one day all of a sudden this girl, this woman, catches my eye on my way home from an exhausting day at the office with complete and total morons. She infuriated me, but intrigued me beyond no other.

She was a drug that that I was slowly but surely becoming addicted too. Mabel was so pure and innocent, like the forbidden fruit that every single part of my body craved since the moment I laid eyes on her.

I was intrigued by her innocent character, perhaps even a little fascinated by it. All of the women that I had met of her age were desperate for the fame and money. They used me to get money and fifty minutes of fame amongst gossip magazines. It wasn't that I didn't know it, it was that I didn't care. They knew what they were getting themselves into, a night or two in my bed before I kicked them out and got tired of them.

Plain and simple.

But Mabel, Mabel wasn't anything like those stuck up girls. She was shy and delicate, fragile like an expensive glass, and oh boy did I love it. I enjoyed seeing her nervous around me. I always enjoyed feeling in control, especially around women.

"Have you decided what to order yet?" I turned around as I heard Mabel's voice from behind me. Her face was as perfect as it was earlier, though I decided earlier that she looked better without it. She looked absolutely perfect, her brown hair was curled softly that hanged over her shoulders. And I was doing everything in my f*cking power not to rip her pretty little dress of and ravish her body like the queen she was.

My queen.

"No I wanted to wait for you" I said sincerely with my eyes solely set on her. She looked down as she took her seat opposite from me, allowing me a perfect view of the beauty. "What would you like?" I asked, slightly confused with her sudden change of mood. What the hell did she do in the bathroom?

She continued to look down at the minute, browsing it with her widened eyes. "Is there anything on here that doesn't cost the same amount as my rent?" Mabel said softly underneath her breath mostly to herself. A small smile spread across her lips at her cuteness. Any other woman would have ordered anything without a second glance or thought, but Mabel was concerned about the amount of money that I spend on her.


"Order whatever you want. Believe me princess, money isnt't a problem" Even though she tried to hide it, I could spot the light pink color spreading across her cheeks. I looked down on the menu and tried to look for something to order while still glancing up at Mabel ever now and then.

"The chicken looks good" Mabel said before looking up at me. I gave her a small smile before speaking.

"The chicken it is then"


Two meals eaten and almost a bottle of whine chugged down, Mabel gave in to her first small yawn.

"Want dessert?" I asked before taking another sip of whine. It had been a pleasant dinner, everything that I thought it wouldn't be. But I knew better than to believe that it would stay that way.

"No, I don't think I can even look at food right now" she said before exhaling deeply and laying back on the oak chair. As she noticed my intense stare I noticed her cheeks becoming flushed once more, causing me to smile slightly to myself .

Silence fell over the table and for once in my life I didn't have anything to say. But I deep down inside I knew that this was only the calm before the storm



As much as I despited myself for it, it wasn't that horrible. Maybe even slightly pleasant. After my encounter with the beyond kind hostess in the bathroom I made up my mind of what I was going to do with this situation.

There was no way that he was going to let me go while we were still inside the restaurant, so I had to be strategic. So instead I decided to act like we were on a normal date, like he wasn't completely psychotic. I had to butter him up before I got some answers for the questions that had been haunting me for too long. Then maybe, just maybe he could provide me some answers.

I inhaled deeply before finding the courage deep down inside me to face him. "What do you want?" I asked as strongly as I could manage without crawling down in a hole. Daniels eyes snapped up to meet mine, but much to my surprise, they didn't show anger.

Only something that I could describe as mischief. There was a spark in his eyes, a dangerous one, my unconscious told me. But then again, he was dangerous. And God knows that I've only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Sorry for the long wait, I've been feeling like shit laitly. So I haven't had  the energy.


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