Empty Seats and New Meets.

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I woke to bright sun light crawling through the patches of window unhidden by the curtains. I stretched, arching my back like a cat, before I crawled out of the warmth of my doona and turned off my alarm. I made my way into the bathroom and had a quick shower before standing in my walk-in, grinning at how cool it was, despite the fact I didn't have nearly enough clothes to fill it. I pulled on a pair of denim shorts, and a white drop arm vest, tucking my feet into a black pair of vans before skipping back to the bathroom. For the first time in a long time, I was happy. It must have been the day or maybe in the air because I could hear my mother singing from my room. Singing along with her while I dried my hair, my keen ears could hear her laughing, before quickly catching up in the song and belting out the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody.

We met in the middle of the landing, our hands palm to palm, while we finished off the song, grinning at each other. We finished proudly, and fist pumped the air before spinning to see dad standing in the doorway to my parents room.

"I live with crazies." He said, before shaking his head walking downstairs. He was fighting to keep the smile of his face, but he wasn't doing very well.

Mum and I jumped down the stairs, our arms linked together at the elbows. We felt free, like a dead weight had been lifted off our shoulders, and we were celebrating. When we entered the kitchen we separated, mum giving dad a quick kiss before beginning to get her breakfast together. I made a face at them, but grabbed the cereal from the cupboard. We all sat at the table, dad reading the paper and eating toast, mum reading over his arm and drinking coffee, whilst I enjoyed the chocolate cereal in front of me. We were a perfectly normal, happy family for the first time in years, and it felt fantastic.

I finished my cereal and put the dirty bowl in the dishwasher before running upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my backpack. When I reached the foyer mum and dad were waiting for me. 

"I'm working in the alphas office, so if you need me just call. Or call your mother." Dad told me.

I nodded and rolled my eyes. 

"Dad, it’s just school." 

"I know, I just worry about you." We both looked at each other gravely, before he grinned and clapped his hands together. 

"Now, I know you didn't want to leave the old house, and it’s nearly Christmas, so we thought we'd give you an early gift." Dad’s eyes twinkled as he spoke, and I couldn't help the feeling of excitement pit itself in my stomach. 

"Dad, you shouldn't have." I told him. He just winked and beckoned me to follow him. 

We exited the house, and I looked at the back of his head confused. Why would my present be out here? 

"So Red, what do you think?” Dad asked me, whilst gesturing towards the drive-way. 

My jaw dropped as I looked at what he was pointing at. Sitting in the drive way was a red two door Jeep.

"FOR ME?" I yelled, jumped as I held onto dads arms for dear life. He was shaking with laughter but he managed to nod. I squealed again, before letting a stream of oh my gods leave my mouth.  

Five minutes later, I had managed to calm down enough to complacently stroke the car, occasionally whimpering as I did. 

"Good thing I kept you guys around." I said out loud, knowing my parents would hear me. I heard them scoff and then dad spoke up.

"And with that, it’s time for me to go to work, and for you to go to school. Here’s the keys kiddo, drive safe." I nodded, eagerly catching the keys and literally jumping into the car. I giggled to myself before turning the ignition.

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