Chapter Five:Well,atleast I made you speak first

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He's sitting on the couch right next to me while I'm snuggled up in mine and Mia's favorite arm chair. The silence is comfortable, almost perfect ,like we all crave for it not that we don't have anything to say, but because no one wants to swallow their pride and be the first one to speak. It's been months since I last saw him, then he shows up at my house and he keeps quiet. Worse of all he's busy texting someone at the same time giggling at every incoming text and I must admit, it's really bothering me.

It's really bothering me, really bothering me.

Not being able to hold it any longer, I take a pillow and throw it at him.

"Ouch! What did I do now? "He yelps faking hurt.

I sigh inwardly and roll my eyes at his dramatics."Well, at least I made you speak first, "I say smiling triumphantly. The look he gives me is enough for me to know that I've bruised his ego by making him talk first but hey, I wouldn't be Pinky Taylor if I pretended that I care.

"Would you look at that, the baby is hurt. Aaaaw, " I know I am really pushing his buttons but then what's life if you don't get to push people past their limits. I'm evil, right. No need to remind me constantly.

"Why you here anyways? "

"Well,since you decided that it was okay for you to wake up one morning and decide that Atat wasn't the best place for you and decided to leave, "he says finally putting his phone away.

Oooh! So he does care about me. Wasn't he the one who told me to go to hell and that he didn't want to spend time with a and I quote 'a girl who doesn't accept that she's not wanted and that it's time for her to move on'. The painful memory of Damien leaving me in my apartment on my own two months after receiving a phone call from Chelsea that David and Kirsty were getting married tries to make it's way into my head but I push it in the farthest part of the back of my mind. Putting my focus back on him, I realize all this while I had been going down memory lane he had been talking and not just to anyone but me. I mean he's Damien Rosa, son of one of the prominent men in Atat, how could he be talking to me like it wasn't a crime.

He is beautiful. From the way his chocolate eyes light whenever he tells me something about his childhood to the way he throws his head back as he laughs, I can't help but look at him in awe. Don't even get me started with the way his muscles look like they want to rip themselves out of his white button down shirt. The way his muscles flex when he's shifting in his seat to the way his white teeth sparkle when he smiles at me, Damien is the definition of a Greek god. He is too cute, he should be illegal.

"Are you even listening to me? "He snaps me out of my trance.

"Wha.. what did you say?"I regret saying the words as soon as they come out of my mouth. It's so obvious how breathless I am and how the drool from my mouth can clearly be seen and these two earn me a smirk from Damien.

"You were checking me out, weren't you? "

"In your dreams Damien,"I say shifting my attention to the chandelier hanging on the ceiling. I haven't even realised that they were so many up there. I make a mental note to make a private tour around my home.

"Then how do you explain the drool coming from your mouth?? " he probes further. I gasp and quickly whipe the traitorous drool from the corner of my mouth.

"I wasn't drooling over you moron, "

"Yes, you were,"he says erupting into fits of laughter.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Damien,"I say taking a sip of my wine.

------------------------------Hey lovelies,
A short chapter, I know.. But I'm working on making the next ones quite longer.. Enjoy

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