Chapter Ten: I Don't Care Anymore, Let's Do It!

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Disclaimer: More steamy chapter ahead. Kindly skip if you feel offended by such things. To those who were looking forward to this.. Enjoy😍😍

I don't miss the surprised yet pleased look that appears on his beautiful face the instant I step out of the bathroom completely naked. His lips curl into the second prettiest smile,after Mia and I's of course, as I briskly make my way towards him adding a little extra sway to my hips. I can hear him swallowing the lump in his throat hard and that only excites me more. I confidently stand before him before posing dramatically like those models I'm used to seeing on the runway. My palms are sweaty,my heart is pounding and my throat is drier than the Sahara Desert. My hands find their way to his shoulders where I support myself before sitting on his lap and smiling wickedly at him.

"P..Pinky..Are..are you really certain about this?"

What do we have here? Damien is now a stammerer all because of me. Way to go Pinky.

I mentally pat my back for the 'good' work I'm doing so far. His eyes roam hungrily all over my body and for a moment I can't help but feel too exposed. What? Just seconds ago you walked in completely naked and now you're feeling exposed. Pah-lease.
"If I wasn't sure about it, I wouldn't be sitting next to your dick completely naked ,8would I?" I don't know what was funny about what I just said but I feel his chest rumble as he chuckles. The next thing I know I'm legs up ,back down with him devouring me with his eyes- looking at me like his next meal.

"I'm gonna take you so hard,everyone in this house is going to know I spent the night with you," he threatens making me roll my eyes. Duuuh,it's morning. Plus people will just see him walking out of my room in the morning and know he spent the night with me. I'm too lost in my thought but I don't miss that bittersweet kind of pain that explodes throughout my body when he thrusts a finger inside me.

"Fuck,you're so tight," he says at the same time I scream his name loudly. If he keeps going like this for the rest of the time we have together then shit,everyone will know he spent the night with me without necessarily seeing him walk out of my room. And the best part is that,I don't care. At all.

I had walked out on him thinking that my little pep talk of how what I was going to do wasn't right at all but all I could see was his huge,no,massive dick and all the things he could do to me with it. My mind was going crazy with all the positions he would take me in and that only made me wetter than I was. The way his husky voice promised me a good time,I couldn't seem to get it out of my brain. Don't get me started on the way he was so in charge, I loved every bit of it. It was then that I knew there was no way in hell or heaven I was going to let that slide past my fingers with me doing nothing about it. So I brushed my teeth to get rid of the weird alcohol smell,put on my favourite cologne and confidently walked out of the bathroom butt naked. Screw everyone. I'm going to get some tonight.

My mind is brought back when I feel him adding another finger inside me and quickening his pace. I don't know what the hell I'm saying but whatever it is it's making him more aggressive with me and I love it. Totally love it. Pressure builds up in me and there's nothing I wouldn't do to have this release after what? Five years.

"I'm about to cum baby," I hear myself say before I slap my mouth with my hand and scream as I cum undone in my sheets.

"Yes,yes baby. Cum for me," Damien says then brings his fingers to his mouth and licks my release. I want to puke and I think he notices this because the next thing I know he brings the same fingers to my mouth and I feel like slapping him.

"Eeeeew,don't do that shit to me. Ever." I say spitting whatever he just put in my mouth out of my mouth.

"With me, you'll get used to doing it as time goes by. Besides it's your cum and it tastes sooo good," he answers still smiling at me. I'm busy wiping my mouth so I don't see him putting on his clothes but the moment I do,my face drops. Wait! Was that all.. I mean he practically just fingered me,I wanted more. You promised me a good time,was that all you've got? I almost want to yell but I look away and hurriedly blink the tears in my eyes. Why am I even crying? It's his loss anyway.

He glances my way one more time before saying," Step by step baby. The best is yet to come." And with that he winks and closes the door behind him.

"I HAAAATE YOU!!" I yell at the closing door before throwing a pillow at it.

Seriously,who leaves a girl high and sexually frustrated. Only Damien. Only him.

I walk into the bathroom one more time to freshen up before trying to get some sleep.

Relief washes inside of me when the next morning I wake up to find the staff in my house, the house keeper and chef, going about their daily routine like nothing happened the previous night. No one gives me curios glances as I make my way to the dining table to have breakfast with my daughter. I find her reading a story book while eating her cereals and I smile at myself. Book lover just like mummy,huh!

"Morning mommy," she says excitedly as she stands to peck my cheek.

"Morning princess. Did you sleep well last night? Any dreams? Or should I say nightmares?" I say smiling as she cringes at the last part. Seriously? Who asks a five year old first thing in the morning whether they had a nightmare? I take my seat at the head of the table and call for Carmen,my personal chef to bring me breakfast. Seconds later,breakfast is served. We eat in a comfortable silence but that is before Mia asks the one question I've been dreading to hear ever since last night.

"No baby,why would you think he spent the night with mommy," I ask trying all I could to calm my nerves down.

"Because I heard you screaming last night and calling out his name," she answers calmly as if she's talking about the weather without even looking at me while she busies herself with her story book. I almost choke on my bacon as the answers to her question constrict in my throat. Shit! I really need to sound proof my bedroom walls soon enough.

"Uuuuhm, no baby. Mommy was just having a bad dream. Finish up your breakfast or we'll be late for church," I say then walk away from the table having completely lost my appetite. So everyone heard? Oh boy! It's going to be a long Sunday.

Thirty minutes later,Mia and I walk into the church but my mind is in disarray. All I can think about is how everyone heard me scream and I just wanted to go back home and ask how much they heard. My face burns in embarrassment as I replay Mia's question in my head over and over again. My voice is interrupted by Kirsty's squeaky voice as she makes her way towards us. Seriously that girl needs to watch is with her voice before she makes someone deaf. To think that she addresses the whole company in that voice makes my head hurt. I groan loudly as I massage my temples to lessen the migraine that has been brought by her voice. She makes her way towards us before crouching down in front of Mia and telling her how much she's missed her. Excuse me, I'm her mother. Just in case y'all forgot. I want to scream at her face but that would only attract unnecessary attention because we were in a public place.

"The next time you take Mia from her school,I'll just have your ass arrested. I hope we're clear on that," I tell her, burning embers of anger emitting from my nose. Or so I thought. She just chuckles and whips her hair back. I'll fucking rip those extensions off her head if she answers me with one of her come backs one more time.

"Says the woman who's hid a child from her father for five good years." Okay, that's it. I don't care whether we are in a public place but this bitch is going to seriously get it from me right this instant. Just as I'm about to raise my hand and hit her,I hear Father Christian's voice mentioning both our names.

"My favourite set of best friends is finally here. You two have always been sweet,"
Yeah. But that was before bitch stole my man and married him the minute I boarded the plane.

From the corner of my eyes,I watch as Kirsty does what she has always been good at- rolling her eyes. Hard. Don't you have respect even for the man of God who ordained your marriage? I silently ask hoping the message gets to her somehow. So when she sneers and walks away leaving us standing there like complete fools, I know I've failed terribly at delivering the message. I'll have to apologise for her mistakes. Again. Something I've been doing ever since we became friends.

"What's wrong with her?" The priest asks and I shrug before answering," Same question I've been asking myself ever since I got back from Atat."

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