Chapter 15

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I woke up at 3 AM because I had a terrible nightmare I woke up crying and covered in sweat. I changed in to shorts and a sports bra because obviously the whole pants and shirt thing didn't exactly work out.

I try to not wake up Abby as I get dressed I make sure I didn't wake her up so I climb to the top to make sure.

But she wasn't there. I went to the bathroom and Abby was no where.i thought maybe she went to the kitchen or living room but I couldn't find her. she doesn't have her phone or I would use find my iphone and track her down.

I put a shirt, a jacket,and boots on. I walk outside in the most unmatched outfit and start walking down the street. I live in downtown Atalanta so I probably shouldn't be walking at 3 in the morning in shorts. but I need to find my sister.

I have really no clue where she would go we do everything together so she doesn't have a secret hiding spot or anything. Well when we were younger we used to go be hind the 7-eleven and climb up that tree but we haven't been there since like 4th grade.

But I'll check anywhere and Everywhere for her.

I quietly go behind the 24 hour gas station hoping that creepy old guy with an eye patch isn't working and of course HE IS. he was inside and I was being really quiet making sure he didn't hear me thank god he didnt.

I goto our tree but Abby isn't there I climb up to the very top and start to get upset with myself for not waking up in time to stop her. but I understand it isn't my fault.

I here people behind the store I hold my breath and cover my mouth. But I couldn't help it I accidentally let out a whine from holding my breath and crying.

"Are you okay" a women walks over to the bottom of the tree. she is really pretty she's wearing heels and has long blonde hair like barbie. "yes I'm fine I'm sorry." I whimper and jump out of the tree.

"Are you lost" a young guy says he was probably like 19. "no I live in the foster home a few blocks over". I wipe my face. "we can drive you were going that way" a women with short black hair says.

"Okay thank you so much" I say and get in there little white car. "is this it" the tall blonde asks. "Yeah thank you" I get out and wave.

I try to be as quiet as possible and goto my room. Thank god the freaking gate keeper was asleep. I take off my jacket and shirt. I try to go back to sleep but it was already 4:30 so I just lay there.

I get out my sketch pad. I always draw when I'm nervous and I was really nervous cause Abby was officially missing.

I doodle a little before I catch my head falling forward. I decide to lay down but only for a little.I make sure to think of positive things so I don't have nightmares.

I wake up and it is 1:30 in the afternoon. How did I sleep this much. I don't know what I should say to the ladies of the house. I try to be calm.

I can hear everyone down stairs having so many little ones it's like a zoo here. "Hey MJ where is abigayles phone" one of the hoes say. again I don't bother to learn there names because they mean nothing to me."i dont know" I turn away.

"MJ tell me right now" she demands. "I really don't know I can't find her I was up till 4 looking". I yell her face falls.

"Okay we will start looking" she says calmly with no expression on her faces."good" I erg her to move by rushing my voice.

I go over to a crib and take out one of the babies and hold him on the couch."here" raylynn sets food infront of me on the coffee table.

"What is this for" I ask with a big smile. "nothing just glad your home so I made you breakfast" she smiles back.

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