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Hey. I know a lot of you guys are looking forward to seeing pictures of The You're Welcome Las Vegas Show, which are coming. The reason these are being delayed is because my uncle just passed away. I feel lost... It's so much to take in.

I just want him to yell "Baby girl!" Down the hall again... Here's the long and short of it...

My uncle was an achoholic. He was trying to go detox for a few days, and just was pretty sick. His fiancée, Kayla, went to work and came back on break to see he was fine. Between the time of her break and the time she had came home, he had taken his car and gotten in an accident. He was so lucid, so in and out of it... Before he died, he was saying things that didn't make sense. He said he had seen Kayla's sister... But Kayla didn't have a sister. Twenty minutes after I got there... He passed away. I'm sorry fir dumping this all on you guys, but it feels good to see it written out.

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