The Cookout

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Hey Guys I finally got my screen fixed, I cracked my phone so I couldn't type certain keys🤦🏽‍♀️ BUT I'm back in action😝•


2 Weeks Later

August POV

2 weeks has past since Morgan's incident and I've been keeping a close eye on her to make sure she's not stressing. I don't mean to be too overbearing but Babygirl really scared a nigga.

I had a off day today because my mama and em' having a family cookout tonight.

I honestly didn't wanna go cause the only family I fuck with is my ma, my sister Chandra, my 3 nieces, my brothers Jamal and Travis, and my sister Netia.

The cookout started at 4:00pm and it was 1:24pm so a nigga still had time to chill.

I was bored since Babygirl was upstairs still asleep when I suddenly got an idea.

I walked into my kitchen and filled up a bowl with ice and cold water. I knew this would probably get me killed but I didn't care.

I crept up the stairs slowly because Morgan was sometimes a light sleeper.

I walked down the hall to my bedroom and carefully opened the bedroom door. Babygirl was still asleep cuddling with my pillow.

I slowly walked to her side of the bed and dumped the bowl of ice and water on her.

At that moment I knew I fucked up....

Morgan screamed and instantly jumped out of the bed.


I ran out of the bedroom as fast as I could downstairs with her right on my ass. I made a run to the backyard pool, looking back I noticed she wasn't behind me anymore.

5 minutes passed and Morgan didn't come outside, a nigga was scared to go back in the house.

I slowly walked back into the house only to have a bag of flour thrown in my face and sprayed with whip cream.

I wiped the whip cream and flour from my eyes as I saw Morgan rolling on the floor laughing.

"I can't breathe, my stomach fucking hurts!" She said still laughing.

"Man it wasn't even that funny." I said taking off my shirt wiping my face as I went upstairs to shower.

"Awww the baby mad at me." Morgan taunted.

I turned around and in one swift motion I carried her bridal style. I threw her on the guest bedroom bed and we started play fighting.

I had her pinned down with her arms above her head.

"Ughhhh, August babe moveee you're too heavy for this." She groaned as she tried to move me off of her.

"Kiss me and I'll get off." I said.

She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I straight faced her. We looked deep into each other eyes as I leaned down grabbing her face as we shared a slow passionate kiss.

Morgan started grinding underneath me and I moved my body to her rhythm as we still kissed.

I slid my tongue across Babygirl's bottom lip and she granted me access. Our tongues were at war right now.

"Mmmm August wait.." Morgan said putting her hand on my chest.

"What's wrong Babygirl?"

"I don't want this to lead into something we're gonna regret doing later. Besides we're still friends."

August Alsina's Blessing In DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now