Chapter 11: I Don't

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I dreaded knocking on his door, I took me at least ten minutes to finally knock. He opened it, smiling at me, a light in his eyes. Before I could speak, he grabs me, pulling me close and kissing me. Unconsciously, my arms wrap around his neck and we just stand there making out at his front door. I eventually pull away, "Sam, we need to talk."

He smiles, inviting me in, and leading me to his small living room and I take a seat on his leather couch. He stands at a bar and offers me a drink, "Want a whiskey?"

I nod, "Sure."

He brings over the bottle and two glasses. I down one quickly and pour another one. Maybe the alcohol will help me do what needs to be done. He sits, drinking a glass, not used to the drink so he makes some faces, only making him look cuter. Ugh I hate this crush.

"Are you okay?"

"What?" I ask.

"I didn't see you after the parade and I saw what had happened so I'm guessing you're okay? I hope you are."

"I'm fine," I tell him, "Thank you."

"I had a really fun time today, Juliana. I've been on a lot of dates, not gonna lie, but this was the most interesting one. Besides, I got to go with the prettiest girl in all of New Orleans."

Ugh why is he so sweet?

"I had a fun time too," I tell him, "But Sam, I don't think we can go on another one."

He moves over next to me from the recliner he was sitting on, "Why not?"

I shrug, "I don't know, it's too dangerous."

He moves closer that our hands are touching, sending electricity through my body, "That shouldn't stop us from living."

I mean I'm dangerous. "It's risky."

He moves even closer that our faces are inches apart now, "This is something I'm willing to take a risk for."


He places a finger on my lips, "Shh, don't talk right now."

Then he comes forward, placing his lips against mine once again. This time, I don't know what took over me but I began kissing him back. He wrapped his arms around my back and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He lifted me up and before I knew it we were in the bedroom. He lays me down, breaking away to take his shirt off. Then he helps me pull mine over my head and we make out again. He begins kissing my neck and moving his hands down my bare stomach. And then you can guess what happens next.  

The next morning is when the reality of what happened hits me. Waking up, I didn't recognize the room and when I looked over I saw where I was. This was not supposed to happen, "Shit." I curse softly, looking around in the dimly lit room for my clothes. I pull my shirt over my head and pull on my pants. I look for my shoes when Sam wakes up.

"Leaving so soon?" He asks and I nod.

"Last night wasn't supposed to happen."

"But it did," he points out, "So perhaps it was supposed to happen."

"No Sam, it wasn't. You and I, we can't happen."

"Why not? I care so much about you Juliana. I know we just met but I do want to have a relationship with you. Let's try it."

I knew he would be persistent. There's only one thing I can say to keep him away. I didn't want to say it, I didn't want it to go this far but I need to do this, "I don't."


"A relationship, sorry Sam, I don't do them. You were attractive, I'll admit it, and I figured you'd be good in bed and you were. I got what I wanted out of this," I tell him and I see his face fall. I hurt him and I feel horrible. I know it had to be done but it didn't make it any easier.

"No, I refuse to believe that. I think you care about me, so I don't know why you're saying this."

"You thought too much about everything, Sam. I didn't. I was waiting for the sex, that's all I needed and wanted. Now that I have it, there's nothing left to do with you."

His eyes show pain, I think I might physically breaking his heart. He closes his eyes and sighs, "Fine then, since you got what you wanted, get out."

I put the last shoe on and nod, "Goodbye Sam."

He doesn't say anything and I let myself out his apartment. Once I shut the door, I close my eyes, taking some deep breaths before the ringing of the phone causes me to come back to reality, "Hello?"

"Juliana, come to the compound, we found something out," Freya says.

"I'll be right there."

I make it to the compound in record time, being greeted by Freya and her werewolf friend. Freya speaks, "Juliana this is Keelin."

I smile, "Nice to meet you. What did you find?"

Freya leads me over to a book, "We might be able to kill her if we use Hope's blood on a dagger."

"I guess it's worth a shot...but we should really magnify our power."

"There's a totem that the Hollow uses to magnify her power, perhaps it's worth a shot for you."

"We should get it, it should be plan A. Plan B is the dagger."

"The dagger is more of a solution than the totem..."

"Yeah but it's more risky. We don't attack until we have everything in place. We can't risk it. We'll only have one shot."

Freya nods, "Okay."

"Well let's find that totem."

Freya and Keelin begin looking for the totem and I make my way out. I head over to Niklaus' liquor cabinet, pouring myself a glass of whiskey as usual. This time I drink more than I usually do. Niklaus see's me and sits next to me. I slide the glass his way and he takes a sip, "You know whiskey is my heartache drink?"

I smirk, "Whiskey is good for everything."

"I'm guessing you're not day drinking for fun?" He asks, "Did you tell Sam?"

I nod, "Yes, I told him that I didn't care for him. I broke his heart."

"Juliana," Niklaus' voice goes soft, "I'm sorry."

"He hates me, as he should, I guess it's all for the best. At least this way I know he'll live a nice, long life."

"It's okay to be sad and cry Juliana, you started to care for him."

I smile and squeeze his hand, "Thank you but I don't need to cry. I need to find this totem so I can destroy the Hollow and move on with my life."

He smiles, squeezing my hand back, "We'll do everything together."

"Always and forever?"

He nods, "Always and forever."

He hugs me tightly and I realize it's been so long since I've had someone just hold me. I close my eyes, burying my head in his shoulder. In this moment nothing mattered. It's as if everything faded away, we were Niklaus and Juliana Mikaelson, original vampires. Instead we were Niklaus and Juliana Mikaelson, big brother and little sister. I can't remember last time we had a moment like this but it sure felt nice. 


Yayyyy update! Hope you guys had a good New Years eve and are having a wonderful 2018! Hope you also enjoyed this new chapter! It's definitely depressing about the Juliana and Sam thing. How did yall feel about that? 

I will try to update soon because next chapter, Juliana is going to have a surprise! So stay tuned!

Thanks so much for reading! I love and appreciate you guys so much <3

until next time


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