
15 0 0

3:01 A.M.
The barely discernible sound of many footsteps.
A silent plan.
Torches lit
Blades sharpened.

The cue from the leader.
Scattering footmen.

A flame spurring through the building.

A horn is blown,breaking the tense silence.
A Deafening explosion

Bloody screams from within safe homes

The cruel laughter of evil assassins

Fresh blood soaking the ground

Fire lighting up the chaos

They'll spare no one.
They burn their pointless existence to ashes on the charred foundations.

The horror of deliberate death.

Untimely Doom.

Terrified eyes witnessing
Utter destruction.

The fall of an ancient town.

{Lover's Pond} • A Hyrule LegendWhere stories live. Discover now