My life a living hell,
"I'm fine"
Can you see my true felling,
"I'm OK"
I'm not OK I'm not fine,
"I'm telling you the truth"
No I'm not,
all simple lies,
And not a single,
Hello people I'm the one of the writers of this poems that me and a friend of mine work on together on. They are two of us so these poems are a mix of our works in this.
These poems are about how we use to struggle with depression and anxiety (also phobias) and what our thoughts while we in that state of depression. The owner of account wrote the first 3 poems and I wrote the rest.
We don't update on a time schedules because we have school and jobs so any time we got we will try to work on this book.
Anyway im going to stop rambling and sleep now good bye. (Number 2)