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Chapter 2

Sasuke finally arrives to the Hokage mansion to find Kankuro, Mitsuki, Sarada and also Boruto talking to a girl. "Sorry I'm late, let's meet with Naruto."

"Ok." Boruto replied as he walked to his father's office with Asuke right beside him.

Sasuke notices the looks of anger in Sarada's eyes. "Sarada, is something wrong?"

"What?" Sarada immediately regain her composure. "Nothing Dad, it is nothing. Just a little tire." Sarada responded and walked away before her father could ask another question.

Mitsuke keeps a safe distance between him and Sarada, to try escape the killer instinct rising from her.

Moments later they arrive to the Hokage's door to find Kakashi there, reading a book. "Hey, you people are late. For once you can't say it's me."

"Must I tell you how many times you were late in every meeting? I can't, I lost count!" Sasuke replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway Naruto wants to talk to Boruto before starting the meeting."

"With me?" Boruto asked as he enters the Hokage's office to find his father doing some paper work. "Hey Dad, you wanted to see me?"

Naruto replied with a sigh. "Boruto, how many time have I told you to call me Lord Seventh when I am in the office?"

"Only a million times." Boruto responded with a grin.

"And will you ever call me that?"

"Not in your life! Hehehehe!"

Noruto sighs again. After the incident five years ago Boruto and Naruto have been getting along just fine and they manage to understand one another, but some things just don't change. "Well, anyway. Did you see your sister? is she alright?"

Boruto expression changed. "Well, Himawari only deliver the food she made to Metal Lee. But I lost conscious when she kissed him on the cheeks."

"WHAT!?" Naruto screamed very loud. "My little Hima kissed him? What happen next?"

"Dad, I told, I lost conscious! I fell down the tree, when I woke up Hima already left!"

"She already, she already..." Naruto forced himself to take a deep breath. "Ok, ok, ok. It's no big deal...Himawari is just having a little crush...it's ok...no big deal...Besides, Metal is good person, like his father."

"Yeah, your right. Maybe Mitsuki and Sarada are right, I've been exaggerating a bit. hehe!"

"Yeah, it's not like Metal is going to take advantage of Himawari..." Naruto's face turns into a concern face again. "But what is he is? What is he does harm to Himawari? What if he is doing something nasty to my little girl?"

"So-so-some..." Boruto starts to panic again. "Dad, you stop it right now! You are giving me a mental picture!"

"OH MY GOSH! Himawari! What is happening to..."

"Stop that!" Kakashi hits both Naruto and Boruto on the head. "You two are simply overstressing yourselves without any need for it. You know Metal is not that kind of person. Besides, Himawari knows how to defend herself. If memory serves, she beat you two down easily when she was little."

Boruto's face turns pale as he remembers that incident. But then he realizes something. "Wait, Lord Sixth, how did you get in here? The door was closed!"

"Never mind that. can we just start the meeting?"

"Yes, of course." Naruto replied as he rubs his head.

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