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Sarada wakes up and find herself in the hospital. and notices her parents right beside her. "Mom, Dad?"

"How are you doing sweetheart? feeling better?" Sakura asked.

"What happen?" Sarada asked as she tried to sit up from her bed.

"Don't push yourself, Sarada. I already put a special cream all over your arm. It was also used on Boruto when he first used that Jutsu, It will take you at least another day to heal up completely."

"I never knew you copied that Jutsu, Sarada." Sasuke spoke. "For I was told you copy it remarkably but you are still not used to it. You copy it but you didn't train yourself to control it."

"Sorry. and what about the guy we took down?" Sarada asked.

Sasuke did not respond at first. "He...he's dead."

"He's dead? You mean we killed him?"

"No. As miraculous as it seems he manage to survive. We took him to jail and he confessed that he was hired by the Root but he slaughter them all after he found out the last piece of the map. After he confessed to everything he took a knife and cut his own throat to escape the humiliation of losing again."

"Ouch. that was too extreme. and what about all piece of the map?"

"They were all recovered." Sakura responded. "Now the Five Kages have to figure out where to hide them. But that is their problem now. The Mission is done."

"I see. And what about Boruto?"

"He is in other room, probably getting a lecture from his Father for using that Jutsu and probably enduring the concern looks from his Mother and Sister."Sasuke responded.

"Hey, Sarada. Your finally awake." Mitsuki greeted when he enter the room. "Pity you did not awake too soon, Boruto should be out once the doctors give in the all clear."

"Say what? How long was I out?" Sarada asked.

"For two days." Sakura responded.

"We encounter some bandits on the way back who tried to rob us but I burn them down." Sasuke said.

The bandits that Sasuke's talking about are the Onka Brothers who are now on a hospital somewhere, recuperating from their burns.

"This was so cruel!" Donka whined. "I robed, steal and all but I did not deserve this!"

"Oh Shut up!" Bonka growled. "Instead of complaining try to think of a safer way to make a living."

"Kanguro-Sensei and Asuka-san already left back to the Sand Village." Mitsuki said. "Asuka even gave Boruto her web page address so both of them can talk to each other."

"I see." Sarada replied coldly when she heard Asuka's name.

"Yeah. I bet she'll have a lot to tell her boyfriend when she return home." Mituski said with a grin.

"Wait what!?" Sarada pooped. "Asuka has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, she mentioned many times before. He is one of her teammates who were attacked by our enemy. didn't you hear her talk about him? It was so many times that it even hurt my ears." Mitsuki reminded.

Sarada does not reply, she simply covers herself with the sheets of her bed. Sarada was so lost in her jealousy that she lost all perspective. She almost ruin the relationship she has with Boruto because of a foolish mistake. She blindly accuse him of a misdeed he never committed. "I'm so stupid... I must make things right...I must apologize to Boruto." Sarada thought.

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