The Calm Night Part1

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Sitting under the Howl Star, a black wolf with a gray streak running across his chest lays in an open field, looking up at the blackness spotted with lights. He is interrupted by a crackling sound coming from the brush behind him. He jumps up, spinning around quickly, readying himself for a fight.

"It's ok StreakFang. It's just me," a beautiful white wolf steps into the empty field with a calming voice.

"Oh, Frost, what is it? Is something wrong," questioning with worry in his voice, StreakFang tilts his head.

Frost walks up to him putting her head on his shoulder, "The pups have been born. Come back to the pack with me." She softly says, with a voice as warm as the summer breeze. They both turn to go back to where the pack is.

Over many months the pups learned how to hunt, fight, and mark their territory. They were growing up strong, but some had trouble fitting in. Even though, they learned.....

A blur dashes through the bushes and the crunch of branches on the ground could be heard. Then another comes flashing right after. Leaves blowing by and twitters of birds in the trees. Then there was a crash onto the earth with a squeak. An all white wolf is standing still between the trees. A black wolf comes running up.

"Luka, you caught it! Finally," he said, panting with his tongue hanging from his mouth.

"Yep! It was fast, but I finally got the dang thing," Luka said, excitement rushing through his two blue and yellow eyes. His catch of a giant rabbit laying at his feet. Luka then picks up his catch to bring back to the pack to show off.

When they get back to the pack territory, a pup comes up.

"Knight, Luka where have you guys been! Something happened!" The pup had worry and weariness in his voice.

"What is it Lumy," Luka asked. He was worried something bad had happened with the pack. Luka went running deeper into their territory; Knight and Lumy following close behind. When he sees the pack, every wolf was lying down saddened or chatting in groups.

"What happened? Why is everyone crowded," Luka asks one of the groups of wolves that were together.

One of the females speak first, "Luka....... Oh Luka...." The female moves closer to him.

"What? What is wrong? What happened Scarlet?", His voice becoming even more worried.

One of the males speak up, "Luka,..... StreakFang.... He's in the medical den. He was attacked."


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~Authors Note~

So this is a trial of how the story I made in 2016 is. I want to learn how to improve maybe and how to make my story better. But just remember first book so ya LOL Well hope you enjoyed. Please leave comments on how i did and if you want more or message about any questions I will do a Q&A maybe if I have enough. 

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