Prologue - The Sorting

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"Today, we, the noble people of Edorias, are blessed in this sacred Temple, to witness one of the most sacred events of each year — the Sorting Ceremony," the High Priestess announced, her melodious voice echoing around the tall marble pillars. "First, let us stand and sing praises to the Gods, as we welcome their holy presence in this sacred Temple!"

A chord was strung on the lyre, as the priestesses sang their first note to their hymns. The Gods entered the Temple and all the people stood up in respect. They slowly walked along the centre aisle to their golden thrones by the altar. As soon as the priestesses had sung their last note, they descended onto their respective throne seats and signalled the people in the Temple to sit down.

The High Priestess continued, "Let us bring in the Unsorted!" The temple doors creaked open, allowing the silver starlight to shine in. A crowd of children were brought into the Temple by young priestesses and were led to the altar. The children, no more than five years old, chattered among themselves quietly, until they were cut off by the High Priestess.

"Oh almighty gods, witness this ceremony and bless all these young souls! May they find comfort, joy and love in their future paths. Give them devotion and strength to do their jobs. Oh, spirits of the great founders of Edorias, enter these children's tender hearts and guide them in the right way! Holy be to your names, for ever and ever!" the High Priestess blessed the anxious children while the crowd chanted "Holy!" after her.

"Let the Sorting Ceremony commence!" the High Priestess declared. Two groups of golden robed priestesses wearing silver masks brought out a delicate goblet; which was filled with Vitae, the Fountain of Life, and set the goblet on the altar. The goblet itself glowed under the flames of the torches, and swirls of sweet-smelling smoke rose from the fountain.

A priestess handed an ancient scroll to the High Priestess, who unfurled the scroll and started reading the names on it. She announced, "Velessya Aelius Faeveren!"

A girl with bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair nervously stepped out of the whispering crowd. She walked carefully to the High Priestess, who was standing at the altar, one small step at a time, as if she was walking on a thin wire.

The High Priestess scooped up some Vitae from the goblet and poured it on Velessya. The people held their breath, waiting to see what were to happen afterwards. As soon as the water had touched her hair, blue flames shrouded her small figure like a robe. Velessya gasped in shock.

"The Gods have decided! She is to be a priestess, and will serve the Temple faithfully," the High Priestess declared. The people in the Temple politely clapped for the young girl, who was still in shock of the events that had seemed to occur before her. Velessya was led to the side, where she was given a white ceremonial dress and makeup by one of the many priestesses present in the Sorting Ceremony.

The High Priestess called out another name, "Myriel Thilan!"

A tall, tanned girl with sparkling raven eyes confidently strode out of the crowd. The children immediately made way for her, as if she was a queen and had an unapproachable aura. Myriel glanced at Velessya, who gave her a bright smile and thumbs up. However, the adults attending the ceremony were not as supportive as Velessya was to her best friend. Murmurs arose among the people and they threw her looks of distaste and distrust.

The High Priestess dripped some Vitae on her head, and black flames surrounded her athletic body. People gasped, and murmured again, this time louder. Myriel, realising that things may take a wrong turn, started to tremble in fear.

"The Gods have decided! She is to be a labourer, and will serve Edorias for the rest of her life!" the High Priestess proclaimed. The audience started to curse and insult her, giving her thumbs down. "Down with the labourers!" some shouted, spitting towards the surprised girl. Myriel's confidence started to crumble, as a small tear slipped from her glazed eyes.

Hearing this dreaded statement, Velessya screamed in utter rage and sadness. Myriel, with tears falling fast from her eyes, was dragged violently to the doors of the Temple by two burly guards. Two priestesses came forward and restrained Velessya from running to her best friend. The two girls struggled to break free, tears streaming down their cheeks.

Myriel pleaded for help, "No! Please don't! Velessya, help!", but the cold guards ignored her. 

Velessya begged the priestesses to let her bade her best friend but in vain. "No! Let me go after her, you monsters!" she yelled with all her might, trembling with anger. The guards pushed Myriel out of the temple and slammed the oak doors close. All that Amaris could see was a wisp of long dark hair disappear behind the heavy door.

The truth hit her like a wrecking ball, and waves of dread and sadness washed over her. She let out a cry of utter despair before dropping onto the cold marble floor on her knees, her head in her hands. She sobbed silently in the middle of the temple with the Gods staring right at her. She didn't care what others thought of her at that moment; she was too focused on the harsh truth.

Velessya Aelius Faeveren would never get a chance to see Myriel Thilan, the closest friend she's had throughout her life. Ever. 


[EDITED ON 26.10.2018]

To my fellow Edorians,

This is the prologue chapter of Lost Gemstone Chronicles: Song of Sapphire. I hope you enjoyed it! This book in under huge editing and I am working closely with my editor Tiller80s Taylor, so please forgive us if we update late!

What will happen to Velessya? Will the girls meet again? Comment down below what you think! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

The amazing cover is by the crazy talented kerozeo and thank you so much for creating it! Go check out his works if you haven't! The stunning signature is made by the sweet -shadowlights, and much gratitude for creating it! Go check out her underrated works if you haven't!

Please correct any mistake that Taylor and I overlooked. I appreciate every single comment and feedback, so don't be afraid to spam my notifications! Don't forget to vote and share as well! I will be very grateful if you do so.

Look forward to the next update by Thursday, 1st November, dear readers! In the meantime, remember to stay amazing!


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Song of Sapphire【Book One of the Lost Gemstone Chronicles】[Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now