Part 7

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Laying in bed Alex knew today had to be a gym day, especially after the amount of food she had consumed last night, even with Baekhyun's help to finish it all there was too much. He was right. But she knew she would never tell him, the smug bastard he was.

She meandered down to the gym, rather lazily, already planning to cut the work out short, and hoping Jongin wasn't there today.

After Baekhyun's insights, she was hoping to see as little of EXO as possible. But she was kind of comforted to know they hadn't necessarily been talking about her all together. That much was clear from Baekhyun, only he seemed to have an idea about everyone else, whereas they didn't seem to notice each other's movements and looks.

It bugged her, the message he had so elegantly left for her on her mirror. She was not interested in Chanyeol at all. At least not now. Maybe once, before she got to know the asshole, but he was such an asshole, she was definitely not attracted to or thinking about him in that way at all.

Absolutely not.

Sliding open the double glass doors there wasn't anyone else in the gym at all. She got on her favourite stepping machine, put her headphones on and away she went for the next hour whizzing away around all the machines, happy not to have an audience for once.

Since she had been alone, she got into the work out, and went a little too hard on some of the machines. Sweating profusely and letting her hair down she stepped out of the gym, got in the elevator, and made her way back home to get a shower.

Not having thought about EXO in over an hour, she was not expecting to be met by Chanyeol and a self-righteous looking Baekhyun as the elevator doors opened. She died a little inside at how sweaty she still was, how she wasn't wearing makeup, and her hair needed washing as Chanyeol looked at her in disgust. Then she remembered she didn't care what that asshole thought, and just ignored him as she exited the lift. Baekhyun however did not ignore her, and yelled after her gleefully, 'Good morning butterfly.'

She managed to just catch Chanyeol eying him suspiciously before the doors closed on the pair of them.

Entering her own apartment, her phone rang.

It was her agent, wanting to talk about the meeting that would take place the following Friday.

She had prepared as much as possible. Unfortunately, her agents could not be there, so it would be her alone dealing with the producers.

She had been warned this was most likely going to happen, although a tiny part of her hoped someone would be there with her. She ran through the questions, and the possible outcomes it was going to take.

'They have someone in mind for the lead.' Mike explained to her, in his lazy American drawl.

'Someone from Korea?' she questioned.

'Yes, obviously Al.' he chuckled. 'Apparently, he's read the book, and wants to be a part of it, whether they decide to go with a TV show, or a movie, though right now, it looks like a movie, unless you can give me several chapters of the follow up?' He added hopefully.

'Oh Mike, don't ask me for that yet.' She groaned.

He chuckled again. 'It's fine, you've got time on the contract, but I need something to show them soon ok? Besides, if they go with a movie, there could be a sequel, and we all love sequels here.'

She had to laugh. It was beyond her wildest dreams when she was writing the damn book that it would even be published, let alone become anything on screen, or a sequel.

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