Infiltrate Scale Tail Fortress

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At the Scale Tail fortress, Mira was put in a dungeon, as a lizard mutant mocked her, "You're gonna be in that cage for a long time. Have fun!" the two left, as Mira went to the bars and hissed at them.

Meanwhile, Raphael who trailed the clan back to their lair was sneaking around and knocking out several lizard guards. He sighed, "I don't know my way around here. I need help."

"Hey! What're you doing here?" came a deep voice.

"Intruder!" another called with an equally deep voice.

Raph looked down the hall seeing two figured in gladiator armor and wearing helmets conceling their faces, "Aw, desert apples!" he groaned before making a run for it.

"Hold it!" one of them ran as fast as lightning and tackled Raph making him roll across the floor, "No one trespasses, on Scale Tail grounds!"

"Is that right?" Raph asked, "Then allow me to leave!" he tackled the one into a wall, until the other came at Raph.

The turtle and guard grappled, with Raph groaning, "Boy, pretty strong one aren't you?"

"You have no idea..." the guard answered before gasping, "Whoa, nelly! Raphael?!"

"Huh?" Raph asked in confusion, as the guard stopped fighting, "You know me?"

"Of course I do. We're old friends," the figure removed their helmet to reveal a short haired blonde girl who spoke in a familiar accent, "Recognize me now, Sugarcube?"

"Applejack?" he gasped.

"Yup, and I ain't the only one." Applejack motioned to the other guard who got up and saw Raph.

"Raph?!" the guard gasped before pulling off their helmet to reveal the final member of the Rainbooms who had her trademark rainbow hair trimmed to a buzz cut, "Awesome to see you, man!"

"Rainbow Dash?" Raph gasped, before laughing and embracing the two, "I can't believe it. You two are alive."

"Yeah. We're still kicking it." Rainbow admitted.

"But what're you two doing in a place like this, and dressed like that?" he asked while motioning to their gladiator garb.

"After the mutagen bomb went off and we all got separated Rainbow and I ended up getting founded by Verminator and Reptillicus." Applejack began.

"Verminator took A.J in making her his greatest warrior due to her strength. And I got stuck with the Scale Tail clan." Rainbow added.

"Are you both here against your will?"

"Little bit. I mean fighting day in and day out is no picnic, but it beats being out there in the wasteland with nothing." Applejack admitted.

"I don't like fighting for these scale brains, but at least I got a roof over my head." Rainbow added.

"Well, you're gonna wanna quit now after you hear what I got to tell you."

"What?" Applejack wondered.

"Sunset, Twilight, and the others, they're alive." Raph explained.

"WHAT?!" they gasped.

"They're all ok?" Rainbow asked in shock.

"Yeah, but they're out there no doubt trying to find me."

"So why're you here?" Applejack wondered.

"I'm here to rescue a friend. Mira, a meerkat mutant."

"Why would the Scale Tail clan capture a meerkat mutant?" Rainbow asked.

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