Cavern of Gems

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As Raph drove through the endless wasteland, Sunset Shimmer who docked her ride inside the vehicle was in the passengers seat checking out the ride, "Love what you've done with the Shellraiser." she told the brothers.

"With all that's happened we had to adapt and re-modify it." Donnie explained.

"Problem is we have little to no sources of finding fuel." Raph explained.

"Oh, I hear ya," Sunset agreed, "It's hard to find places to find fuel for my ride too."

"And with us down to two barrels who knows when we'll find anymore." Donnie put in.

"We'll just have to hope for the best right?" Sunset asked Raph.

"Easier said than done." the big turtle replied.

Sunset could only look at Raph in concern. She knew the events of the mutagen bomb would changed people, but seeing Raph in this state was just hard to watch. Suddenly she saw her necklace started flickering, "Hey, what's this? Guys, something's up with my necklace!"

The brothers looked at it, as Donnie spoke, "What's going on with it?"

"I don't know it's never really done this before," Sunset answered, until she began pondering when an idea popped in, "Oh my gosh. Guys, I think it's trying to tell me something."

"Tell you what?" Raph asked.

She gasped, "I think it's trying to tell me the girls are alive."

"What?" Donnie gasped.

"Seriously?" Raph asked in disbelief.

"I know it's crazy, but it might be possible," she held it in the left direction as it flickered fast, "The signal is strongest in this direction. Raph, we have to go left."

"Forget it," Raph denied, "I'm not going to chance anything just because your necklace is glowing. And besides I'm the captain here so I make the calls."

Sunset frowned, "Would you say that if there was a chance Mikey or Leo would be alive?" Raph flinched, "You care about your brothers, I know it. Well, I care about my friends. I don't know how much you remember but we were all there for each other good and bad times. And now you wanna dishonor our friendship? You truly have lost your way."

Raph groaned, "All right, enough with the guilt trip! We'll go. But don't say I didn't warn you."

"Thank you" Sunset smiled, as Raph took a left.

They drove, while Sunset kept looking at her necklace to see what direction was giving off the strongest signature. As they drove around a canyon, Sunset saw her necklace was flickering like crazy, "We're close. Just up ahead."

They looked ahead and saw a cave. Raph pulled over and spoke, "In there?"

"That's where the signals coming from." Sunset noted.

"Who would be living in there?" Donnie asked.

"That's what we're going to find out. Coming?" Sunset asked Raph.

"Right behind ya." Raph grabbed a blaster, and the brothers followed Sunset out of the vehicle.

The woman held out her robot arm which projected a light for them to use. She led the way inside, as they walked through the damp cave. Donnie looked all around, "Fascinating. I wonder how far this cave goes?"

"Hopefully we won't have to go far." Raph replied.

"Guys, look up ahead." Sunset motioned ahead.

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