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     Knock knock. Etta opened the door and curtsied. So it was either my parents or my brothers.
     Then, my parents walked in. "Hi sweetie. We just wanted to come in and say hi." My mom said, "You look beautiful!"
     "Thanks mom," I said while hugging her, "Dad?"
     My dad stood there looking stunned, "Eady, aren't you a little young to look this gorgeous because I'm not losing you yet!"
     I laughed, "Dad, I am sixteen today."
     "Oh right and that's supposed to make me ok with boys?!"
     "Alright, Alright!"
     Dad gave me "the look."
     "Sir," I added.
"What we really came in here for was your birthday gift." Mom said casting us both stern looks, "We hope you like it!"
My dad gave me the card. It wrote:
Dear Eady,
You are growing up so fast! Your dad and I don't know what to do! I hope you treasure these gifts forever like we have treasured you guys. I love you so much darling and keep on shining! Happy birthday my 16 year old!
Dear Eady,
Happy birthday sweetheart! I can't believe I've had 16 wonderful years with you full of laughter, a little yelling, and a lot of love. Tonight, remember that I am watching and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Because you are my baby girl and always will be.
P.S. Eadlyn, I'll be watching too tonight!!
~ Uncle Aspen
Oh n0, I thought. They will be watching!
She handed me the present. It was a box that was about the same size as my head. I knew my dad wrapped it because of how sloppy it was, but it was perfect all the same. I ripped open the gift and opened the box. The first thing I saw in there was a picture of my parents and me, which was taken on Christmas this past year.
"Oh, I love it! It's so precious. I'm going to put it right here." I placed the picture and it's white frame on my desk, so I could see it while I was doing something boring like budget cuts.
My dad smiled, "There is one more thing in there."
In the box was a small black velvet box. Curiously, I opened it and in there I saw a gold bracelet with my birthstone, a crystal, on it. I loved it so much, not because of the beauty of it, but the fact that my parents gotten it for me.
"Oh, it's beautiful!" I gushed, "Thank you so much! I love it!" I gave my mom a hug and then my dad.
"We knew you would!" My mom said.
"Alright the party starts in thirty minutes! Be in the picture hall 7 minutes before, and we will be waiting." My mom commanded.
"We have to go check on Kaden and Osten. Make sure Ahren is ready too!"
"I will Mom."
"We love you sweetheart!" My dad said kissing me on the cheek.
They walked out the door. Gee, I love them even though they can be pretty annoying about the whole "teenage thing."

Eadlyn SchreaveWhere stories live. Discover now