Emily POV

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(Day of surgery! Sorry i made Time go so quickly!)

I pace back and forth, crying my ears out and Aaron trying to calm me down. "Emily we need to go" I stop.

"Let's go" I say running to the car hopping in. "Ok" he says sliding into the drivers seat.

"Are you going to stay for the surgery? you don't have to since it will be along time til you get to see me" I say.

He smiles at me "I have to go somewhere so I can't, I'll be there the minute I get to see you" he says

I wonder where he's going?

Aaron POV

I can't wait. I drop her off and kiss her cheek. I text Nash, Matt, and Carter in a group message.

A:hey, I just drop her off, let's do this.

I'm setting up a romantic date for us. And I'm going to ask her to be mine.

I get a text back


M:I can't believe your doing this to cam

C:he treated her like diarrhea

A:ewwwww carter!

C:whatttttttttt Aaron!

N:enough! Carter go get some streamers and glass plates and cups from the kitchen, Matt go get flowers lots of them, Aaron, get a tux and a necklace or bracelet or whatever to give her, and I'll get the food"

A:thank ya dude!

M:see ya


A:we only got Afew hours people! Move it!

I pull into the parking lot of Tiffany & co.

Cameron POV

I decide to go on vine. I start recording. "Hello fans just wanted to say I love you all, you are the best fans ever" I start crying.

I watch it, you can hardly tell I was crying so I posted it.

I got a lot of comments on the video...they all were 'OMG I love you to bae' or 'I can tell your sad what's wrong?'

I love them.

I notice one comment that was really long:

Cameron, I've met you before, along time ago actually. We new each other in high school.

And I hate you. I hate how you ripped me apart from the inside out and you knew it hurt. You made me cry every night. You were my best friend, I told you I love you and you kiss my friend.

Go in a hole and die please. The world can survive without you...I did.

One last thing is I can't believe you chose Karma, I told you I didn't want to be friends with her and she was mean, and a cheater but you never listened.

I hope you learned your lesson.

Oh and with Emily and Aaron...now you know how I felt when my bestfriend betrayed me...

I hate you Cameron Dallas and I always will.


Is it good? Or NAH


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