Jack J POV

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Me and my lovely girlfriend stepped into Chipotle.

We ordered our beef burritos and sat down.

"Babe, we have been dating for 3 weeks now and I want to tell you that those 3 weeks have been a blast, every minute of the day I'm thinking about you, when I am trying to sleep your on my mind"

"Aww, Jack that's so sweet" she kisses me. The door opens and Emily comes in with Aaron.

"Emily?" Jay says

"Jay?" Emily screams

They run up to each other and bring them selfs into a tight long hug.

"Omg! I haven't seen you in forever!" Jay says

"We lost contact when you moved to Mississippi"

"Which was like 11 years ago"

"10, it will be 11 next month"

"Same thing"

Emily and Aaron ordered their food and sat down with us.

Emily's POV

"So how did you guys meet" Jack asks.


"Emily! Kenzie! come here" my mom yelled from down stairs.

"Yes?" we both said in sync

Me and Kenzie came running down the stairs. "There's a moving truck across the street, it looks like there's a 4 year old movin in" she replies.

"I'm four mommy! she my age!" I cheered.

"Go say hi"

I run across the street and saw a tan little girl with a black bob holding a purple rhino stuffed animal.

"Hi I'm 4, my name Emily" I smiled at her. "Me too!" She smiled back.

"Your name Emily to?" I say in excitement "no! my name is Jay, I'm four too" she giggles.

"Hey guess what!"


"I have a green rhino like yours" I pointed to hers

"Seriously? Hey Emily, wanna be beat friends forever?"



"Jay moved across the street, nine years later she moved to Mississippi and I never saw her again, well until now" I explained.

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