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"Mr. Jefferson," was politely said by at least three different people as Jefferson strolled down to the coffee machine. In the cramped office where he thought of ideas, boredom was easily found, swirling around in the air. Within the walls of the break room, the only thing swirling around in the air was the strong tang of ground coffee and cinnamon rolls that had arrived earlier that day.

He stared emotionlessly into his cup, waiting for the dark liquid to fill it after a few pressed buttons. His hands drummed a melody he had recently heard from somewhere outside his window. The excruciatingly long time that his coffee was taking was sending spasms of anxiety towards Thomas' brain. He glanced at the digital clock that had hung above the entryway for as long as Thomas could remember working there.


In precisely two minutes, he would waltz in, a swooning person on his arm as he sweet talked his way into their pants, no doubt.

Within the two years that had passed Alexander had joined the company, Thomas became more and more captivated every day. After the first year was gone, the pain of seeing of seeing him became overwhelming for his poor heart and Thomas avoided the male whenever he was in the company of other people.

The unusually long time the machine had taken to create the watery substance that barely passed as coffee was finally over, Thomas grabbed a fattening, almost sickeningly sweet pastry referred to as a cinnamon roll. He took a bite into the sugary food and walked out of the break room, making a beeline for the elevator, which was at the west end of the hall, as Alexander's office was the opposite direction.

Despite his attempt to escape him, Thomas was met face-to-face or, more accurately, face-to-back with Alexander, the man pressing one of the law firm's interns—Maria, if Thomas remembered correctly—to the wall, leaving several dark-shaded love-marks on her neck and and collarbone. A wave of pain ran through Thomas' heart, the muscle seeming to have been stabbed by a knife.

As he passed, Thomas brushed by Alexander's shoulder, making the shorter man spin around, the assumption of being caught by whomever he had been fooling around with the day before probably crossing his mind as he glanced at Thomas' back. Alexander sent Maria on her merry way with a small slap of her ass, though the girl seemed rather sour at the love marks left on her skin.

Thomas was petrified. Besides the scarce events where formal handshakes were in order, he had never come close to any touch with him and he was terrified. Had he sensed Thomas' yearning? His want—his need—for love?

Alexander was staring at Thomas' back (more specifically his ass), his handsome lips muttering something tender to himself, his waterfall of brown hair spilling over his shoulders, giving his brown eyes an added challenging spark. It was time for Alexander to get to know the hard-working lawyer he had now shared an office space with for two years.

After what seemed like an eternity, Thomas heard Alexander's receding footsteps, allowing the man to finally unclench his jaw, relax his arm muscles and continue his walk back to the small thinking space he was forced to call an office. Thomas tried desperately to claw his way back into his previous mindset where all he would think about was work, but the thought of what Alexander could possibly have been doing, standing there for such a long time, overpowered any thoughts about his current clients.


The captivating feeling around him had always prevented Thomas from getting any work done.

With headphones blasting classical music at the highest volume, blocking out any thoughts whatsoever, Thomas started writing the rebuttal for a debate he was required to partake in, managing to jot down three pages worth of notes before someone violently tugged the headphones off his head. The music could still be heard, sounding like a faint buzz from the hand of the person who had grabbed them.

After a second of processing, Thomas dropped his pen and looked up, being met with Alexander's smug smirk, the headphones swinging from his hands. "A-ah," Thomas squeaked. He had been working at the firm for five years. Now, at 27 years of age, he had learned to overcome the social anxiety he had battled when he first came to New York, but Alexander brought it all back just by looking at Thomas.

Slowly raising himself to his feet, his hands pressed to the wooden surface in hopes of not falling over, Thomas stared at him with a large amount of docility, being unable to utter a word. The smaller man gave a self-satisfied smirk and dropped Thomas' headphones on his desk, with his palm flat over them. Slowly, Alexander's hand moved towards Thomas' shaking one, his fingers ghosting over the palm of the submissive man virtually cowering underneath him.

This was the moment Thomas had been yearning for for two years, but he felt strange. Feeling his hand against his skin sent chills down his spine, large droplets of sweat beading up on his forehead. Feeling his chest press against his own and his breath on his neck.

The shaking increased. People often described the tickling sensation in the stomach as 'butterflies', however they seemed more like ravenous wolves to Thomas, tugging at his insides and scratching at the skin, sending a strong taste mixture of bile and blood to Thomas' throat. His legs were about to give way.

Alexander seemed to sense Thomas' weakened state as he managed to grab ahold of the taller's hips before he lost all feeling in his legs.

"Hey," Alexander's voice didn't aid in bringing life to Thomas' legs, but the silky smoothness of the single-syllable word coming from his lips made Thomas' heart jump. "H-h-hiiiiii!" Thomas squeaked, his voice going abnormally high as he stuttered out the greeting. "Not the reaction I was expecting, but I won't complain~" Alexander purred, guiding the, still trembling, Thomas back into his swivel-chair.

Thomas sat in the chair, shifting meekly, as if he wasn't sure how sitting worked, "So, darling, did you hear about the office party tonight?" Alex quickly cut to the chase, sitting on the edge of Thomas' desk and coking his head when Thomas gave a shake of his head, indicating that he had not heard of it. "A-are you going?" Thomas asked, not really sure if Alexander thought he was able to speak from his previous attempt.

"Well, if a beauty such as yourself is going, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Again, Thomas could feel Alex's breath on his face, this time his nose and lips. Suddenly, Alexander pulled back. "I-I will t-try to make it," Thomas responded, his eyes rained on Alexander and his smug smirk. The latter cupped Thomas' cheek, feeling the smooth skin under his fingertips, "I hope to see you there, darling~"

"I-ah," Thomas stumbled over his words as Alexander stood up and walked towards the door, sending Thomas a wink before he snuck out the door, leaving Thomas to contemplate about what the fuck just happened.

~Jamilton~ UnravelingWhere stories live. Discover now