You break up.

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That one simple text was all it took to make you feel nervous. The words "we need to talk" never had a happy ending. But, you were hoping it did that time. You agreed and told him to come over. You couldn't sit still as you waited for your boyfriend to arrive. You were pacing around when you heard the doorbell ring.

You went to the door and opened it. "Hey." You gave him a small smile. He was looking at the ground. "Corbyn?"

He looked up and you knew. His eyes were full of sadness and guilt. "This isn't going to end well, is it?" You questioned, fear filling you. He shook his head. You nodded before you said, "okay. Well, at least come inside where no one can see." You moved to the side. He entered the house before you closed the door. You took a deep breath. "Just tell me."

"(y/n). . ." He finally began, "I love you. I enjoy spending time with you."

You bit your lip. "But. . .?"

"But," he took a deep breath. "Christina. . . She's back."

"Oh." You voice cracked as you realized what was happening. "You're. . . You're going to leave me for her." You should have been angry, but you felt more heartbroken than anything. After eleven months -- almost a year -- together, he was going to go back to Christina. You thought he had moved on when he asked you out and said "I love you."

"(y/n). . . I'm sorry. I love you, but I want to try again with her." He explained. "I loved her. . . And I think I still do."

"After almost a year of dating, you might still love her?" Tears filled your eyes. "Okay." You nodded. "Go to her."

"I'm sorry, (y/n). Everything I said to you, I meant it." He replied.

"But, it wasn't enough." You said, wiping away your tears. "I think you should leave now."

Corbyn nodded, his expression full of guilt. He turned around and left the house. You finally broke down as you heard his car drive away.


Your heart broke as you stared at the screen of your phone. It was a text from Daniel, an apology that read, "I'm sorry I'm late, I was out with the guys and didn't check the time. I'll be there soon" with an "x" at the end.

Your index finger lightly touched your bottom lip before you moved it back to the screen. You typed back a response, a simple "okay, see you soon."

You walked to the mirror, your low-heeled shoes creating noise as you did so. You had gotten all dressed up for your date, Daniel saying it would be nice and a bit fancy. You looked at your red lipstick and other makeup that went with your medium-length, sleeveless dress.

He was three hours late. At the beginning, you had thought it was just traffic. But, he would have texted you. You had then thought something bad happened, only to get the text that confirmed he was with the boys. Normally, you wouldn't have minded, but that wasn't the first time it had happened and it probably wouldn't be the last.

You heard the doorbell ring. You were emotionally tired. You were so excited for the date that ended up being delayed. You went to the door and opened it, seeing Daniel.

"Hey," he greeted, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." You replied, giving him a small smile. But, you then realized you couldn't keep doing what you were.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, smiling.

You took a deep breath. "Daniel, I would love to go on this date, but I can't." You blinked tears away. "For three hours, I waited here and I just now got your text."

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