When you're mad at him, he. . .

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When you're mad at him, he gives you space. He makes sure to not be clingy and he knows that he has to give you time to get over whatever it is. You don't take too long in forgiving him, though. Depending on what it is, you tell him you still don't appreciate what it was about, but you forgive him.


He tweets that you're mad at him. He'll make a poll, asking if you should forgive him. Sometimes, 20% of fans vote "no" but the majority do. A few people tweet you, asking you to forgive him. When that happens, most of the time you forgive him for whatever happened. That leads to him posting a photo of you two on the app, captioning it "it worked."


He buys you flowers. He hates when you're mad at him so he tries to fix it immediately. He'll show up at your door with the flowers and chocolate, asking you for forgiveness. You're a sucker for romantic gestures so, almost every time, you forgive him. The other boys wish it was as easy as that for them, leading to Jack teasing them about it.


He tells you he loves you and he smiles at you. You immediately want to smile back and reply, but you have to force yourself not to. Eventually, you'll say something like "stop, I'm trying to be mad at you." He'll say something funny and you'll laugh about it. Once you laugh, he knows you're pretty much over it and then everything goes back to normal.


He'll sing to you. He knows you love his voice so he'll start singing whatever song you're obsessed with at the time. You'll move away from him, not wanting to give in so easily. But, then, he'll follow you and continue singing until you tell him he's forgiven. Even though you love his voice, him repeating the song over and over annoys you so much that you sometimes forgive him before he can start.

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