//C H A P T E R 5\\

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// 'Today my forest is dark, my trees are sad and all the butterfly's have broken wings.' \\


C H A P T E R 5

I was crying.

There were tears the size of golf-balls leaking down my face and the mass pile of used tissues beside me seemed to be growing in height. My heart seemed to hurt, and my lungs ached.

Why I was crying?

I was just watching a parade of toys who are the best friends you've ever known and reminding you of your own childhood toys that youve left behind and forgotten about, even though they had always been there for you.

Yes, I was watching Toy Story 3, and yes, I was crying. A lot.

I was holding it together. I was, I promise. But then one tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream that cascaded down my cheeks (taking the good mascara I had applied earlier for school with it) and making my nose red as I sniffled.

A knock on the door broke my gaze from the Tv. Wiping my face with my hands in an unsuccessful attempt to mask that I had been crying, I walk up to the door, turning the golden handle as I step back to open it.

"You look like a mess." Thanks Milly, good to see you too. "Go change and wash your face will you, you look like you just had an encounter with the grim reaper."

Opening the door fully, I step back to glare at my red-headed friend. Just as I opened my mouth to retort with some fast insult I had on the tip off my tongue, the wind was knocked out of me as something hit me full force.

The thing was Rover, Milly's gorgeous Pitbull cross Labrador rescue dog that was breathing in my face right now. The Kings had gotten Rover as a Christmas present for Milly about 3 years ago, they had gotten him from the shelter and had tied a bow around his neck.

He also weighed about 40 kg.

"Rover! Down! Bad dog! Sit!" Those were Millys attempts to control him. "Rover! Your squashing her!" Was shouted next as I shoved the dog off me (not before he made sure every inch of my face was covered in kisses) as he stared at me with big brown eyes and tail beating in rhythm against the floorboards.

"A little warning before you stop by next time please?" I ask jokingly, making my way to the bathroom, leaving the door open so that the pair could come in. "And dont judge! I was watching a sad movie."

Milly glanced at the tv before raising an eyebrow at me. "Sure, because watching a bunch of toys is incredibly sad." She retorted sarcastically. I decided not to add that she cried within the first five minutes of Big Hero 6.

Instead I splash cold water on to my face to soothe the redness of my cheeks before grabbing a make-up remover and ridding the black liquid from my face. Thank god my mascara came off easy.

"I'm taking Rover for a walk, want to come?" Milly asks me as she fills up a bowl of water and sets it on the floor to let Rover have a drink.

"So that is why you decided to grace me with your presence? So, you didn't have to go for a walk alone?" Milly hates walking alone, she always has, although I don't know what shes scared of, with a dog as big as Rover with her.

"Well yeah," she hesitates for a second, "and you know, I thought you could do with getting out of the house for a bit. Clear your head, you know? Just come hang out without Celine or your parents."

My gut twists. She was right, I didnt want to stay here just waiting for when my parents got home, and the awkwardness began, it had become a chore being around the right now. I give her a sad smile, nodding my head in agreeance.

"Thanks Milly."

"No problem. What are amazing bestfriends for?" I snort at her description, rolling my eyes playfully before shoving her with my shoulder.


I could hear yelling as I opened the door. They mustn't have heard the click of the lock as I entered the kitchen. Obviously, they hadn't head it, screaming in each others faces like that. At least there was no broken glass this time around.

"Mum! Dad! Stop." They both swivelled to see me, both faces flushed red with anger.

"Hey, honey," Mum says, glancing at dad for help. "How was your walk? I saw your note." I smiled uncertainly at her, not liking the stiff atmosphere of the room.

"It was good, I guess."

"Good, good. Lets eat, come on, I made spaghetti."

My eyes flick to dad. He hadn't said a word, instead leaning against the counter watching with a deep frown on his face. He didn't look like my dad, the go lucky, wannabe hippy dad who smiled as he made me pancakes in the morning. This was probably the most I had seen him in weeks. Andrew* Riley worked as a lawyer, lately he had been taking on more cases, leaving before I got up for school and arriving after I was asleep. It was obvious he was avoiding us.

I sat across from him at dinner, poking the spaghetti with my fork. The words Celine had said less than a day ago still echoed through my head.

I knew I wasn't fat. I wasn't dumb, but I'd always been insecure about my flaws, so someone saying something about my appearance had wrecked me. That was why I decided that after a few mouthfuls I was done.

That, and the fact I could see the glares my parents had been throwing at each other. They didnt think I knew about their fighting, that catching them today was a one-off sort off thing. They were the worlds worst secret keepers.


*= In an earlier chapter I said that Alis dads name is Greg. I have changed the name, and will go back some time and change the chapter. Sorry.

Also, rover has finally been introduced, yay! 😊

Vomment or cote if you cried during Toy story 3? I started crying halfway and didnt stop, it was quite embarrassing coming out of the cinema a total wreck due to lack of tissues. I also cried during Frozen and Cocoa.
I didn't realise that Wattpad had gotten rid of the apostrophes, I just went through and added them back in!

Also just a little side note, please don't be mad at me for this: please don't try and make overweight people feel better by dragging/insulting skinny people 😊 everyone deserves to feel confident, but I've seen a few posts on Instagram/heard people in real life completely insult being skinny. I am skinny, I am not confident. If someone says I'm ugly because I have a flat stomach it will rattle me. Once again, everyone deserves to be confident, no matter their body type!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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