Chapter One: Disrupted Peace

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The alarm buzzed loudly, echoing off the small room of the studio apartment. Even when your eyes reluctantly opened, the room was dark. You let your eyes adjust to the darkness, letting the alarm scream at you as you regained consciousness. The feeling of slowly waking up reminded you of an old laptop your great-grandmother had once clung onto, declaring it had all of her memories on it.

The old coot.

You sighed and waved a hand toward the general direction of the alarm. It shut off as you sit up and stretching. The digital clock mocked you with the time.

"3:27 A.M."

Groaning, you shuffle your way to the bathroom. The light flickering on made you wince as you stare at yourself in the mirror. Groggy [E/C] eyes stared back. [H/C] hair stuck in all different directions. Splashing cold water on your face, you made your way out of the bathroom and to the kitchen area that was only divided off by the small island of a counter your complex had generously given.

The rest of the morning was a muscle-memory blur. Tying your hair up, getting into your white t-shirt, black jeans, and favorite pair of nonslip shoes. Fixing yourself up before the clock struck four, you marched your way out of the tiny apartment.


The rest of the morning was a blur. Getting on the floating bus, getting off the bus, getting run into as you made your way down the street and into the small local café. Slipping on your brown apron and saying 'good morning' to all your coworkers. Slipping on your gloves and began prepping the salads for the day.

The sun was high in the sky until your boss poked his head around the corner and called your last name, saying it was time for your lunch break. There was only one other cook on the line and he gives you a nod while stirring a pot on the stove.

As you left you saw that there was only two separate people in the café, both with their heads down and staring into a tablet. You could briefly hear the tabloid speaking from one of their tablets, claiming something about a local gang being out on the run again.

But you go outside and down the street corner where a bookstore sat. You went inside, ordered a coffee and a small sandwich, and emerged with both the food and a new book under your arm.

Sitting down outside on one of their small tables, you carefully sip the coffee and began to enjoy your quiet lunch.

Enjoying the breeze and the birds singing, the calm chatter between omnics and humans alike, you began to relax.

"Not a lot of people read them paper books anymore," a deep voice said behind you. You whip your head around at the familiar sound, startled.

Sitting right behind you and enjoying a cup of coffee was an old colleague and friend you didn't think of ever seeing again.

With his brim pulled low, Jesse McCree stares at you from under his hat with a small smirk. The coffee cup looked miniscule in his large mechanical hand.

"What are you doing here?" you snarled under your breath. All this time of going undercover, of living peacefully, could be thrown out the window in just a moment because of this...imbecile!

"You used to be so much sweeter than this, [Y/N]," McCree smiled. Your chest got a little tight with his smile.

"If you know better, you should leave me alone," you sigh. Turning back around, you continue your lunch and reading the first chapter of your novel. Before you can continue the paragraph, his voice chimed behind you.

"You got the message?" he asked.

"Of course I did."

"You watch the whole thing?"

"Yes, I did."

"Come back."


Finally, it gets quiet. You take a large bite out of your sandwich and wash it down with coffee. McCree suddenly takes a seat across from you. You glare up at your uninvited guest. He eyes you carefully. Choosing to ignore him, you drink more of your coffee before nonchalantly biting into the sandwich again.

"Been watchin' you," he says. "Winston asked me to do recon so we can approach you peacefully."

"Sounds like you just missed me," you droned, not looking up from your book.

"You don't eat at your own café because you like supporting other local businesses other than your own." His words pierce your mind, but you try not to react to it. Much to your dismay, McCree continues.

"You stay at a small apartment because excess space makes you uncomfortable. You work all day and nap all afternoon. You like books and novels and yet you avoid the news. You leave your phone at home..."

"Shush," you snarled. "I am not interested."

A couple of young girls walking by stared at McCree, whispering at each other. He looks up and flashes them a wink and smile, causing them to giggle as they sauntered away.

You roll your eyes and quickly finish your sandwich. Tucking the book back under your arm, you get up to return the dishes before attempting to go back to work, but McCree's large arm stops you. His hand is on top of yours and you couldn't help but feel yourself tense up under him.

When you look up at him, McCree was already looking back into your eyes. You tried not to wince; there was so much emotion behind his eyes.

"Please," he whispers. "Come back to Overwatch."

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