Chapter 3

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Afternoon classes went by with Chemistry, History and Art. It was a really long lecture every time and I couldn't wait for classes to end.

At 4pm it was still too early for my shift at work which starts at 5pm but since I had nothing to do after school I went there instead.

I didn't have to work since my monthy allowance was already enough for my living expenses. I wanted to work so I could provide for myself. I never regretted it since I love working there.

The bus came on time it was just a twenty minute ride from school. Carter's Fitness Center was a large building dominating the road since it was surrounded by small shops. That was my destination.

That's right, I work in the gym. While I was job hunting I stumbled upon this building and I wanted to check it out. At that time they were low in staff so I volunteered. It was busy that day. Mr Carter, the owner saw my performance and offered a job once he found out I was looking for one.

It was hard at first since the other employees were not welcoming but after a couple of weeks and good deeds they warmed up to me.

I checked the time on my phone. It was 4:30. The regulars were already on their equipment some with their personal trainers others working out on their own. I made my way to the employees lounge to change. I smiled at Mrs. Parcia when I passed her at the front desk. She was a middle-aged woman working here for five years.

No one was in the lounge as usual. Most employees at work were already busy doing their thing. I went to my locker and changed into the gym's red polo and black shorts before heading back out.

"Oh, hey Skylar. You're a little early today. How was school?" Jay, who just came from the vending machine to buy a drink fell into step with me. He was five years older than me and the second youngest employee in the gym.

I rolled my eyes. "Boring as ever and Chase once again tried to invite me to watch the game."

"Oh dear." He face palmed but a smirk was playing on his lips like he knew something I didn't. "When will he ever learn?" Sarcasm dripped from his voice and laughed at his own joke.

He's just too weird.

Jay and I got along just fine and we would sometimes talk of our school life. Mine in the present while his in the past when he was attending his high school and college.

Our conversation cut short when we were called by Sir Mike, a large man with muscles everywhere. Jay sometimes joked that he was a big boulder behind his back of course. I kept wondering if Sir Mike knew about it but since he hasn't reprimanded Jay yet then I guess not?

"Jay, what are you doing? Your client is waiting for you!"

Jay stiffened. "Of course, sir. I'll be right there!" With a quick nod, he left faster than a speeding train but before that he made a face behind Sir Mike. I had to fight off a laugh at his antics. His childish actions is just too amusing.

"And you!" I stiffened at the sound of his voice. He was in a bad mood but whatever happened to him it's best to stay out of his way. "Kirk called today and he couldn't come. I want you to attend to his client right now."

"Yes, sir!" I took my leave quickly. Damn, he was just plain scary towering at 6 foot 5 with a body like a boulder on my 5'7 frame.

I returned to the front desk asking Mrs. Parcia for Kirk's client schedule. The client was  27 year old woman taking a post pregnancy exercise.

I scanned her profile looking for her in the gym. She was waiting at the lounge. I approached her and she looked up. "Hi, I'm Skylar. Kirk can't be here today so I'll be helping you in his stead."

She nodded her head, her honey-blonde hair swaying at the movement. "Come this way please."

I led her to a free mat and we started doing her sets. I assisted her, holding her still while she was doing exercises. One and a half hour later we've completed her set. She bid me goodbye and I returned her profile to the front desk. I was free now to take a break.

"Skylar, Mr. Carter wanted to talk to you. He's in his office." Mrs. Parcia said taking the profile from me.

So much for taking a break.

I nod my head in acknowledgement before making my way to the office. I knocked twice and once I heard a mumbled "come in", I opened the door.

The office felt like home since Mr. Carter wanted it that way. My eyes found its way to Mr. Carter behind the  mahogany desk wearing a warm smile.

He was a 40 year old married man with two young kids and loving wife. He is also our boss and amazing one at that.

"You called, sir?"

His smile didn't waver only widened. "I called you for a request. You can refuse or accept it." He pauses. "This Saturday we have a new set of student taking the saturday courses, five of them to be exact and I want you to be their personal trainer."

My eyes widened in shock. Me teach personally?

"But sir I don't have any qualifications to be a trainer."

He raised his hands dismissing it. "Doesn't matter. You've been working here for almost three years. I've seen you work and you're more than qualified. Besides, I think it's a great experience for you." My face must have showed doubt because he continued. "As I was saying you can refuse it and I'll find someone to take the job but I recommend that you accept it."

"I-" I was doubtful of myself and for some reason it also excited me. My job in the gym was to only assist the other trainers and sometimes fill in when they're not around. Being the actual trainer was a heavy responsibility. I could potentially change a person's life. My doubts ceased as I found myself a new conviction. I smile. "I'll take it, sir."

"Perfect! Now I just need you to sign here." He pulled out some papers and pen, handing them to me. I skimmed it before signing.

"I have a feeling you already knew my answer." I commented.

He chuckled. "I also had the feeling that you'll take the job." I returned the paper to him. "Here are the students and some information for the class. You can leave early today. The class starts at 9am every Saturday and ends at 12 noon."

I received the papers. "Okay and thank you." I smile one last time before taking my leave.

"Good luck, Skylar."

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