Part 1 - Happy Anniversary!

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Unfair Love - Part 1


[note: I will not including Cheryl and Bear into this story. Cause I respect them. And I know how much Liam loves them. This is only a story. If there are a similarity of stories it just a coincidence, this is my second work. Enjoy it!]


I have been dating Liam Payne for almost 2 year. We have been through a lot of things. The ups and down. But I'm still so happy that Liam is so understanding. I'm still a virgin. But I am planning on giving it to Liam for our second anniversary. I trust him more than anybody.

He is the first person I will run to whenever I had a hard time in life. I'm Penelope Franco. A 23 years old woman that has a pure love to photography.

I knew Liam since his time in his boyband, One Direction. I was one of those fangirl. I first met him in London.

He was having a lil surprise to his fans and I was one of them. It was one of a great day of my life. And I never thought that I could be his girlfriend now. Everything just went out of my expectation. He was still dating his ex, Chloe at that time, just things got rough, they couldn't make it work.

Liam was busy, plus they were expecting a baby at that time. And they broke up shortly after the baby turn 6 months old. But Liam always there for their child. His child comes first before anything else.

I met again with Liam after his break up, and long story short we have a date. I was so freaking excited but I tried to control myself to not scare Liam.

"Hey, what's been keeping you up at this hour, Pin?" Liam voice woke me up from my thoughts.

"Ugh sorry, just thinking how lucky I am to be with you," I said.

"Me too, loves. I am so happy that I met you, and to know that tomorrow is our second anniversary," he said. I looked at him, preparing myself to tell him that I'm ready for him.

"Hm, me too Li and I have something to tell you," I said as I stand up and walking to him.

"What is it honey?" He said and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm ready Li," I whispered.

"Ready? As in ready to?" He asked not sure to what he just heard, I looked up to him and put my hands around his neck, bringing his lips closer to me, and whispered "yes Li, I'm ready to give it to you," and then I kissed him.

I can feel Liam is smiling into the kiss, and his tounge asking to enter my mouth, I open my mouth, our kiss got heated, "jump!" Liam said, I did as I was told, then wrapped my legs around his waist, and he bring us to our room.

He opened the door and threw me on the bed, quickly ripped his shirt and take his pants off, before I knew it again, he is already on top of me,

"Are you sure you want to do this love?" He asked, I nodded.

"It's gonna hurt at first, but I will be gentle, alright?" He said again,

"O-kay," I kinda get nervous.

Then Liam slowly ripped my shirt and shorts.

"Thank you loves," Liam said then pull me closer to his chest.

I fell asleep not long after that.


I woke up to an empty bed beside me, then I smell pancakes and suddenly Liam entered our bedroom,

"Good morning baby," Liam said, "and Happy anniversary Love, thank you for staying with me for this long time," he said again.

I smiled. "Happy anniversary too love," I smiled then get up to kiss him.

"Well, you better have your breakfast now, and getting ready, today's gonna be a busy day!" He said smiling.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked

"It's a surprise." He said

* Liam's POV•

I actually so happy that Pin finally got her time. She told me that it was for an anniversary gift to me. Tho even if we didn't do it, I'd still love her this much, and much more each day.

So today, I'm gonna give her anniversary gift too. I will bring her to my cabin almost out of town and We'll gonna spend some time there, even it counts for me making love to her.

I never knew that I really could any other person this much than my ex, Chloe. I was with her for such a long time. And we had a child too. But things just got out of hand. We decided to go separate way. That is when I met this lovely girl in a coffee shop. And she went straight up to me, asking me for a photo. For a quite sometime I feel like I had met her before. Then I ask her


"Hey Liam, can I have a pict with you," this young woman said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Of course," I replied.

Then she asked one of the waitress to take a picture of us, I instantly put my hand around her waist, she gasped. The waitress count 1 to 3 then snap a picture.

After a couple more picture, I started to get crowded by some more teenage girls. That's when I feel somebody touch my wrist and pulled me out of the crowd. And second after I already am in a car.

Then suddenly the door in the driver side open, then there she is! The same girl that asked me for a picture.

"Hey, thank you for helping me." I said

"It's ok, I am so happy to help you," she giggled

I felt like I had met this girl before today, that's what I do, I asked her

"Did we ever meet eachother before? Cause I surely feel like I have seen you before,"

She looked at me, then started the engine, "yeah, I met you in a meet and greet you throw last year! It was the best time of my life, and now having you in my passenger seat make it the greatest time. I am one of your fan," she said proudly while drive her car.

"Oh yeah, that meet and greet, it was nice meet-" I said but got cut off by her

"Er, where can I drop you off to? Cause I am sure you don't want me to know where you live," she said looking at me sincerely.

This girl is really something, first she said she is my fan, but still she is so cool about sitting in a car with your idol without screaming, now she is asking me where to drop me off, cause she know that I don't want anyone that is not close to me know where I live.

"You can drive me here," I said then giving her my address,

Her mouth drop open, "se..seriously? You really w-want me to drive you there?" She asked,

I nodded, "yeah, I trust you won't betray me," I said

After the fun driving talking about things, life with this girl beside me about 20 minutes we arrive at my place, I glanced at this fan next to me and forget that I hadn't asked her name, so I decided to asked her

"Thank you, er... what's your name beautiful lady?"

She blushed. So cute. "Er, Penelope." She said.

"Ok thank you Penelope, how about coffee tomorrow at 3?" I asked

Her mouth dropped open maybe knowing nothing to say she just nodded her head. Then I give her a note that has my number in it. "Just text me when you reach home, and tell me where to pick you up," I said as I was getting out of the car, and before I closed the door l, I turned my head again to tell her, "My treat,"

Flashback over.


Here is the first Chapter of Unfair Love. Hope you all enjoy reading it.

Shintya Theresha

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