Chapter 3

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1 month later

Harry Styles PB : Facetime?

Me : Hello there Mr Styles. Sure.

Before I can give thought to what's happening my phone starts vibrating.

Biting my lip I answer.

"I Googled you." I blurt.

"And?" He smiles at me and I feel like crap.

"I feel terrible, like I was spying on you and I'm sorry."

Harry bursts in to laughter and disappears for a moment.

"Did you just... fall?"

"I did, off my chair, coz you're cute. What do you think about what you found?"

"I think you're a pretty boy."

"Because of the girls?" Harry asks looking down.

"No. Because you're actually really pretty, as in face pretty. And lets not even go into those suits."

He laughs once more.

"Don't feel bad about the girls. I get it." I continue.

"What do you mean, you get it?" I don't think I'll ever be able to get over his voice. Deep and smooth.

"It's like... you're young, hot, famous. You have females on every continent throwing themselves at you. How do you know who's intentions are good though, like who likes you for who you are you know.

So... you date and if it doesn't work out you try with someone new. I just... I feel like you're just being treated unfairly. It makes me sad."

I couldn't look at the screen when telling him this. I'm not sure which is more difficult, looking into someone's eyes when you tell them how you feel or looking into their eyes as they tell you how they feel.

"You saw the manwhore bit?"

"I did. And for the second time in my life I felt like punching someone in the face."

"Ouch!"Harry says rubbing his jaw.

"Oh God, not you, the person who said it. You are way to pretty to punch. And your fangirls may slaughter me." I laugh.

"You have that right. My people have my back." He pulls his face and points to his back, "Thank you."

"You're crazy," I laugh.

"That was not what this call was supposed to be about."

"What is it about then?"

"I wanted to check on how you are doing and to also say the boys send their love."

My heart warms that the boys even remember me.

"It's sweet and please tell them I say hi, but you don't have to do this you know. I can only imagine how busy you must be."

"I like talking to you." Harry pouts with smiling eyes.

"You are such a kid, why are you pouting?"

I can't help but smile at him.

"Because it seems as if you don't like speaking with me."

"Of course I do, but you know how I feel about being an imposition."

"You're not, don't ever think that, please."

I put my face closer to the screen.

"Call me whenever you can again, my boss is on his way to me desk," I whisper, pulling a eeekk face and giving him a thumbs up before ending the call.

Did I just give Harry Styles a thumbs up. I face palm myself and wonder what's wrong with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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