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(Anna's Pov)

I was such a coward. I was given plenty of opportunities the past four days to come right out and say what I thought was happening with me - yet, I refrained from doing so. I hated myself for that. The seeping possibility that I was carrying Roman's child, it kept tugging at me. And I knew for a fact, it wouldn't stop bugging me until I told him about it.

And truthfully, I had tried. Three times. Once on Saturday when I found out myself, but Roman had silenced me and tucked me up inside of his bed, not long until I fell into a state of slumber. I had tried another two times on Sunday, the day I spent with him, only for me to cower out and keep the truth to myself.

It was killing me.

But what was killing me even more, was the thoughts which swam through my mind, enlightening the lingering fear within me.

This town was traditional, it was religious, strict and stuck in old society based views. Women and men were already forbid to interact before marriage. Neither were allowed to communicate with the opposite sex, unless they were family or forced to; an example being work.

Sneaking around, having a secret relationship with a man before marriage - it was seen as a terrible sin in this town. More so, if sexual activities took place between the two of you.

Having a hidden relationship with a man before marriage, engaging in sexual intercourse, leading you to be pregnant - that was beyond a sin. It was simply prohibited. There was no verbal, written rule for this type of situation. It just should never exist in this town - point black.

My stomach clenched tightly. 

But somehow - I had managed to make an unrealistic situation like so come to life. Last night, I realized something that would confirm the cause behind my constant vomiting, hunger and inconsistent fevers.

I was two weeks late. My period, which I had somehow managed to forget about, it hadn't come. I had missed my monthly cycle. The usual blood that would leak out of me every month, it was on a hiatus. A hiatus caused by what was growing inside of me this very second.

A large lump formed in my throat. I could feel the tears stinging at my eyes, threatening to fall any second soon. I couldn't believe I had led myself into this situation.

I was on my bike, my feet pressing down on the peddles, leading me forward and down the path to the stables. It was Wednesday, a day I would be expected to go join Roman at the stables for work. Usually, I would be excited and good nervous to seem him - but today I was feeling nothing but horrible nerves.

It wasn't long until I found myself outside the stables. I put my bicycle to a side, leaning it against an outside fence which kept the horses within the land. My hands reached out, wiping my teary eyes. I exhaled heavily, preparing myself to see Roman, hoping it wouldn't look as if I had been weeping just a few minutes ago.

Pushing the door open, I stepped inside and heard the straws of hay crunch beneath my feet. My eyes took a glance around the area, pausing on him when I saw him by the wall tap, washing his unclean hands.

His eyes instantly darted upwards and landed on me, a slow smile curling onto his lips. My stomach churned and I forced myself to return one back.

"Ciao bello." He uttered smoothly, walking over to me.

Hello beautiful.

I felt my heart squeeze and I quietly let out a; "Hi."

He leaned forward, tilting my chin towards him and pressed a gentle kiss against my lips. "You're early today."

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